Ahh it's tough when you're 13 bazillion km away. I let my parents get away with spoiling my kids so much because we see them once a year (and stay with them for extended periods every two years, I'm actually at their place at the moment).
Small probably won't remember much from when she was 2 because long term memory doesn't develop til 3-4 but she's also a smart little cookie and may surprise everyone :) Fortunately we have ubiquitous technologyso she'll be able to see all the photos and the videos so she'll know about it even though she might not be able to remember much herself. I think we're kind of at some advantage as more people are able to record history.
Hopefully a bit of steem power helps with your next trip :D

So there was no point in being nice to my kids until they were 3?
Yep pretty much 😆
(For people not used to what passes as my sense of humour, you’re likely to end up with a fearful and less empathetic child if you don’t treat them well from the outset 😝)
Posted using Partiko iOS
Every little bit helps and in the meantime, yes, we have technology.
Posted using Partiko Android