Loving strangers - Emotional Post of Inspiration from a fellow Traveler

in #love8 years ago

Loving strangers

You ever be on the bus or in the street and have a separated or disjoint experience with someone you don't know ????

How do we love strangers

Help ourselves overcome the fear that is inately programmed into us for potentially not being accepted and having someone reject
Our love

What love is rejected when the only love that appears is that which is felt
Our own

Start with feeling your love
The love that pours effortlessly from each breathe and connects in each moment deep in your subconscious driving you forward to even experience

The movement of love is the most awakening freeing feeling

It's a hard movement to describe (hence why I rap)

Me feeling my love

Oh goooooooood

Recognize your self and the disharmony as a call from your deep inner harmony

Allow yourselve to be coming forward
As that love

think love act love

Think confident act confident

Everyone is on the same exact journey and wishes / desires similar if not the same things

- A cold beer for example -

The only reason you are atteacting the experience in #creation is a result of your interpretation of life love and connection to that infinite journey

The more you connect internally
The easier it is to have positive experiences externally 🎟🏵

Deposits positive thoughts in memory bank :
Confident successful people don't give negative experiences another thought.

Don't allow the " strangers "
To paint 🎨 your experience negatively

Tap into their internal - world as you fill -you will find it surprisingly easy to increase your own pleasure in life

Almost as if you were hacking life By being love - #love #hacks #life -

Love is everywhere - see I found a heart on a leaf

There is a great Native American tale of death

When we die - the great crow cracks open our heart space so the great eagle can feed on your memories

If you have acquired a plethora of beautiful deep memories the eagle feasts and you remember and re awaken then -

This may or may not be true

But I enjoy the sentiment

All you have at the end of your life

Is your experiences and their depth - so get out there love and live and enjoy fully :)

At the end of the day

All you have to do is act

Motions are the precursor to Emotions !!!!

Smile - stranger to stranger and watch the danger and anger melt away
Change days
Change lanes and then stay in grace
Allow them to feel your love y feel it your self
Not by seeing it torn from your experience

It's impossible

Sets of a chain of reactions to prove your right

Let's stop doubting our abilities

There is plenty of love
And bliss
For all of us

The pain that is created

By according to avoid this bliss this internal love

Will cause you diss ease and a troubled heart
ALLow yourself to feel :)

In joy
Connection happens in a moment
That moment lasts forever

Jacob Magalhaes

Do something new
Steem something true to you
Be without the blue hue - truth