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RE: Everyone Needs A Jimbo On The Crew

in #love6 years ago

Everyone needs a Jimbo in their life. Good friends are hard to come by, especially ones with a sense of humor. It is not too often we run into people that we seem to strike up a relationship with that will pass the test of time. There are only a few people in my life, that despite not seeing or talking to them for a while, the friendship seems to stay intact. For Jimbo to make it to your mother's funeral is a testament to the very special relationship the two of you have.

On a separate note, we got back in town a few days ago. Had a vacation of a lifetime. Came home to snow and cold weather. It is presently 3 degrees and I can honestly say for the first time that I wish I was still in the warm weather.
Hope all is well with #dandays and #puravidaville.


Ahh yeah the Rob’s (two) are back! Ya’all didn’t miss much but I’d be lying if I said it’s the same around here without you.

Yeah, Jimbo, what a great guy. I knew writing this one would be a good idea because we all have, or at least have had, that friend. I had a feeling most everyone should be able to relate. It sure is nice to hear from you again, Sweed!

Oh dude! You gotta check out my last portrait, I drew Ed Privat. It’s beyong the pay cycle anyway, it’s just one of my prouder pieces. Check it out when you get a chance. Eh... stay warm huh! 😉

Thanks for stopping by @thebigsweed.

Hey @dandays, unbelievable sketch of @edprivat, I had no idea you you were such a talented artist.
Great interview as well. Spent an hour or so listening to some of his music, totally enjoyed.
#edprivat really opened up to you and that in itself must have been really cool. Racism and bigotry must be out of control in South Africa. I tend to think situations like this are getting better until I hear from someone living on the front line, and dealing with these injustices on a daily basis.
Thanks to your great work both as an artist and an interviewer, @edprivat has another fan.

I still can't get over your artistic talents, what a great surprise. You're a guy that always brings so much to the table for all to enjoy.

Man I sure do miss you being around #steemit, it’s been quite awhile since I received such a thoughtful and motivational response, about a month.... how long were you gone again? 😉

I’m really glad you like the drawing, that’s the fourth portrait I’ve ever done in my life, really. I’ll do one more, I made both her and Ed the deal about a year ago when I drew my buddies mom, I told Ed and @puravidaville I would draw each of them and then that’s it for awhile—drawing literally puts me to sleep. It takes everything I have to sit down and focus like that. When it’s a portrait, I really give it everything I have so I don’t mess anything up. There’s a lot to capture in a portrait beyond what’s on the page—it puts me to sleep with boredom. Hey, Sweed, thanks for noticing!

I sure do appreciate your opinion of my talents @thebigsweed! It blows my mind how I have digital relationships on here who are a bajillion Times more encouraging and supportive toward me than the few people who share my DNA have ever been, ever, in my entire life.

About @edprivat, good call giving him a follow. 👍🏿 Every once in awhile he does song requests, too, he’s an all-Round good dude who performs daily and contributes a lot to the blockchain. And the interview, you see... Ed’s one of the first people I met on #steemit, he and I registered our wallets right around the same time, we became rather close friends rather quickly. We both have a lot in common as different as we are. That said.. we talk quite a bit on Discord, too, I’ve got to know him rather well. Sweed, I had NO doubts he would deliver on that interview and even when I began drawing, I knew that article was going to be a perfect storm: it was Ed Privat, the drawing turned out special beyond my wildest the dreams, it was done at a time when #steemit is causing everyone to rethink the whole entire market all at the same time. A whole bunch of hyper-realism on and off the page, all at the same time, I sure am glad you didn’t miss it!

As usual, the pleasure’s all mine and it’s nice to have you around again.