Its doesn't cost a dime to be decent★

in #lslam7 years ago

Guilty of not wearing the correct hijab? Guilty of making men twirl in the cologne you’ve sprayed when you go out? Guilty of speaking to men in a lustful manner? Guilty of drawing the attention of men to you in anyway? You are not alone. Such a menace is bedeviling sisters in the Muslim ummah.
You see a Muslimah go through the trouble of Shaping her eyebrow, sitting long hours to get a wig fixed or an artificial hair plaited, cat-walking in the presence of men who aren’t her mahrams (the list goes on), all because she wants to draw men’s attention.
Most girls go through so much trouble because they’ve been deluded into thinking a man will only like what he sees. Changing their creation, But to what end? When Allah SWT clearly stated that
“We have indeed created man in the best of moulds”
They’ve forgotten that it is Allah that created and owns men and every other thing else and has control over what they like and what they don’t and to Him we shall all return.
“Verily! We will inherit the earth and whatsoever is thereon. And to Us they all shall be returned” Q19:40
What will you say to Allah when He calls you to account for your deeds on the day of Judgment? That you wanted to secure your self a husband that’s why you went about half naked and it was necessary? How about the women who wear burqa and niqab and were still able to find a husband? Were they Angels veiled?
Girls have been jailed in the prison of thinking they need to show of their endowments before they become accepted and liked. But that’s not true, love isn’t built on the outward appearance of a person. True Love is built on the inherent qualities that a person possess. It might be a day that you go out covered that you’ll bump into a guy that will like you and who knows, you might end up marrying him. Guys who demand something from you will forget about you when that thing you lavish them with is gone.

It doesn’t cost a thing to be decent. But by Allah it will cost you your dignity, poise, prestige, self-worth and self-respect to be able to please the ever unappreciative creation.
Narrated by Abu Hurairah: the prophet SAW said, “Faith (Belief) consists of more than sixty branches (i.e parts). And Haya (self respect, modesty, bashfulness and scruple, etc.) is part of faith. ” – Bukhari.
Be modest, be decent, be different, be an aabidah. By so doing, you are fulfilling part of faith and that will earn you the pleasure of Allah SWT.
You are a slave of Allah and not a slave to the desires of men that lack chivalry. Allah said that He did not create man and jinn except that they should worship Him Q51:56. You don’t need to succumb to what the ungrateful society demands from you. Islam prohibits one to satisfy the creation in the expense of displeasing Allah (SWT).

Ladies – prioritize your akhirah over your dunya. Know what we’ll not live here forever and everything will perish. Stop trying to please men while displeasing Allah SWT.
Gentlemen – make it easier for the sisters to observe hijab please and denounce actions that displease Allah SWT all in the name of trying to get your attention.
May Allah guide us all