How to: Get lucky! #001 - Introduction

in #luck8 years ago (edited)

Hello and welcome to my first post on steemit!

I'm lucky you found your way to my account and the things I want to share with you here :)

And "lucky" is exactly the right issue I just want to talk about:

"Good luck" - a very common saying for all of us, I guess. To be lucky is something, everyone of us would say, to achieve and to struggle for.

But what does that eventually mean? I must admit I never really thought of the definition at all. It's something like "freedom", "justice" or "a fulfilled life". We all have a certain understanding when we use these words. But could you explain them to another person within a minute?

I'm very interested in self-development and I like to talk with people about their personal meaning of life and their experiences. One day, I was wondering why I've never considered to share these experiences with a wider audience. Maybe, someone of you could take an advantage of it or is interested in discussing about the interpretation of such an emotional tained word.

It is not my intention to dispute psychologic theories, just an exchange of our minds. And I thought it would be a great idea to start it here - on steemit!

So. How do I get lucky? Am I 100% satisfied with the things just as they are? And what am I able to do to make my life a better one?

In our modern society it is seen as a normal process to buy a smartphone, sign up on social media and be online for hours and hours and work hard to become successful. But does that really make you enjoy your life?

"Survival of the fittest!" - everyone of us has to confront this at least once. In school, my applications for my extra-occupational studies for example were a nerve-recking procedure and of course working and giving our best in every single part in our lives.

But with all these chances to get to individual fulfilment, our duties rise. Being contactable 24/7, giving up our free time, hobbies and wishes just to achieve something bigger or because our society thinks it is something to reach for.

It doesn't mean we have to critisize everything that happens around us - but never forget to live!

Shutting your electronical devices down just for one day, hanging out with friends, drinking a beer, watching the sunrise and talk about memorable situations you had to go through and like to think about again. It all helps you to just enjoy the moment and forget about your daily responsibilities.

It doesn't take a long time to get back to stressing situations after a nice and sunny weekend - the spilled coffee on your shirt on a monday morning, the horrible traffic jam on your way to work or the rude boss shouting at your for things which are not even your fault.

But beside all these negative influences, it is important not to take that too seriously. Enjoy every moment in your life and try to make a list of things that make you easily happy within a few minutes.

I like to start this blog with you to talk about all opportunities and all experiences I made with this topic.

Let me know what you think about that and look forward to hearing from me :)

Thank you for your time and a happy day!


Welcome to steemit! And I love your article!

Thank you very much!

Welcome to steemit my friend. But my question to you is what do you do when the only thing outside is an ugly poverty stricken city. Live on steemit I guess!!! xD until it explodes and you can move away from these crazies 6.6 Great content btw!

Well, I think you got a point there. But the only thing I wanted to say is that luck itself is something individual.
In my opinion, everyone has a different point of view on that. And so everyone should ask himself or herself "What can I do to rise my emotional condition?"

I dont really believe in luck, I think the more you apply yourself and the more you believe in yourself and do the work things will happen. I think luck is something that lazy people say cuz they dont wanna actually do the work, they'd rather good things just happen to them all the time. Apply yourself to your goals and they will happen, no luck needed, just determination and the drive to achieve whatever it is you wanna do.

Of course. It wasn't my purpose to tell you that we should hope for the best from our destinies. Sorry for that!
I believe you're right when you say that you have to work hard to become happy. And I think we're able to do a lot to make life a better one climbing up the ladder!

of course! life is great, and we can achieve whatever we want. the problem is people are afraid of success and afraid to break the mold, so they just sit around at there mundane job and never achieve there real dreams. not me thou, im in the process of doing what i wanna do with myself!