Lyrics for a Potential New Album

in #lyrics6 years ago

The following post is lyrics for my album by my band, called Soultris. Its called "KNIF".

  1. "Paranoia"

Why are we being so paranoid about everything?
Why do we have to take percautions for every little thing?
I was doing the earth a huge favor
And yet you tell me to trash it a bit more


We are all taught to be scared
We are all taught to not believe in peace
We are all taught via a bipolar pendulum
That in which I do not serve


What is it that you want us to do?
Why do you have to think for me
When I am the one who thinks for myself
And decides for myself, not you

(6-mimute instrumental)

I can create my own life
Not you
I can decide my own fate
Not you

What is it that you want us to do?
Why do you have to think for me
When I am the one who thinks for myself
And decides for myself, not you

We are all taught to be scared
We are all taught to not believe in peace
We are all taught via a bipolar pendulum
That in which I do not serve


  1. "Instant Mine"

(Instrumental Intro)

If cryptocurrency was mined
Via a push of a button
Instead of having to use excessive power
Money would be accessible
And the world would be free

(Instrumental Bridge)

The blocks would be instantly confirmed
And those without a confirmation
Would simply just try the transaction again
And the button would be pushed to confirm

(Instrumental Bridge)

I love instant mining
I love instant transactions
I love helping the network
But the way we mine crypto
Is so damn hard
If we had to pay all the gas
The instant mining would collect it
If this type of mining existed
Holding a blockchain node
Would be much easier
And much more motivating

Motivation (x4)

  1. "Forced to Pay"

(Instrumental Intro)

Why the fuck are you making me do this?
Why are you making me fuck out like this?
Why the fuck are you being so stupid?
Are you used to bumming off of me?
Are you ever going to pay me back?
Are you ever going to redeem your debt?
What is this shit you're making me do?
You better keep your fucking promises!

They say I attracted this into me
But I've been positive for the last two years!
Why do I have to deal with him?
Why is he always so fucking negative?
My ability to say no has gone
And he's taking advantage of it
And it's driving me the fuck nuts
It is making me overcurse

(4-minute instrumental)

They say I attracted this into me
But I've been positive for the last two years!
Why do I have to deal with him?
Why is he always so fucking negative?
My ability to say no has gone
And he's taking advantage of it
And it's driving me the fuck nuts
It is making me overcurse

I'm getting frustrated every day
I'm getting overpissed
I'm wearing myself out
I should've done certain things
As soon as this shit began

They say I attracted this into me
But I've been positive for the last two years!
Why do I have to deal with him?
Why is he always so fucking negative?
My ability to say no has gone
And he's taking advantage of it
And it's driving me the fuck nuts
It is making me overcurse


  1. "Crashing Down"


I am literally about to crash
I'm being sucked alive by you
I am going to crash on my bed
And possibly break it down
You are such a bloodsucker
And it hurts, and it hurts so bad
I don't have any violent feelings
towards you
But you are worth ignoring

I'm drowning into debt
I broke promises to fufill yours
Why am I even doing this?
And you said you would pay me back
But now you can't
You dropped put of your job
And my wallet hurts
Just like my exhaustion
Both are complaining out to me
And shedding tears


I am being interrupted
Every five fucking minutes
Just to nip it in the butt
That you don't need this
It's getting annoying
It's getting frustrating
I'm about to explode
And crash later
Please leave me alone!

I'm drowning into debt
I broke promises to fufill yours
Why am I even doing this?
And you said you would pay me back
But now you can't
You dropped put of your job
And my wallet hurts
Just like my exhaustion
Both are complaining out to me
And shedding tears


I'm drowning into debt
I broke promises to fufill yours
Why am I even doing this?
And you said you would pay me back
But now you can't
You dropped put of your job
And my wallet hurts
Just like my exhaustion
Both are complaining out to me
And shedding tears


  1. "Show Me Your Hunger Games"


All this sleep I've had the past night
I feel like I have to get up to have food
But there is no food in the fridge
And I have yet to get more money for it
Why am I so frustrated with this?
Why did I get into this situation?
I must find a way to get out
I must find a way to make more in life


Every day I sleep with at least one craving
And I feel like I have to be the one
To spend my net worth on everyone around me
When I don't have any money at all
I just feel like I need a place to let out
All my pain and suffering and hunger
As well as my desire for certain cravings
And meditation just doesn't cut it for me

And yet they call me ungrateful
When I really am stating facts
This society really is a mess
And you tell me to serve it
Fuck you, I'm not serving it

(3-minute instrumental)

I stand above all else around me
I am the king of everybody else
I am much more important than all else
And you have done me wrong
By not serving me
By not serving your king
After all I have done for you
And you slap this in my face

Fuck you all!

(Instrumental Outro)

  1. "Domestic Violence"


Missy Roberge is a child molestor
Laura Grogan is a horny slut
Jennie from IOL is a whore and a cunt

Lydia Harden is a fucktard
Sadie Bagnall is a tattletale bitch
Nicole from the Halloween dance?
I'd totally rip out her vagina

This is the song I write
To get out my inner demons
To get out all my inner pain
And get revenge

I'd bash them all with sledgehammers
I'd chop open all of them
With a fucking chainsaw!

  1. "Control"


You say I should be doing this or that
You say I should be doing things I don't want
And you say I am lazy and that I am unreliable
Until I follow every last rule in your 10,000
Rule rulebook
And you want perfection
You want to punish me every time I make
A small mistake
A small mishap


You stupid egocentric bastard
You diluted self-righteous bastard
You can't always get what you want
If it means to control others
To support your agenda
You must look in the mirror
And look at your personality
In the eye, and apologize


All you really want is control
All you really want is perfection
You never take responsibility
And if you make a mistake
You blame it on me
You act as if it is my fault
You say that it is not your fault
When it really is


In no way
Will I ever
Serve you again
Because of your bitchiness

In no way
Will I ever
Fufill your bastardy needs


  1. "Scammer"

I'm tired of writing everything
Just for the money
I'm tired of scamming
I'm tired of the borderline
Fact that I have to be rich


What is this type of monster here
That I have to please?
Everyone is in a race to be the top
And I do not conform
To this bipolar pendulum

While there are enemies in my life
That attempt to be famous before me
I try not to care as much
I try not to give in

You are enslaved (x8)

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