Defense Against the Dark Arts Chapter 1 The ConstructsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #magic7 years ago (edited)

Defense Against the Dark Arts

  1. The nature of the construct.
  2. How to detect magic. Hot/cold. Emotional wheel spins by itself.
  3. Why the lord's prayer is a solar incantation.
  4. Astrotheology.
  5. Satanists.
  6. The personal code.
  7. Personal power.
  8. Virtue ethics system.
  9. The tarot.
  10. Models of thought.
  11. Conspiracy theory and the dark arts.
  12. Conversations with gods and demigods.
  13. Trimming the belief system.
  14. Anthropomorphic magic.
  15. Submission and escape. In the chakras.
  16. Magic squares and sigils.
  17. Magic and music, the harmony of the musicians.

Chapter 1 - The nature of the construct.

The earth is flat. That is all, figure the rest out for yourself. Jk.

If we draw a tangent line to the ball earth, we could say that the surface of the earth curves off and away from the tangent line. The rate of this curvature can be found using the idea of the unit circle. Where sin (angle) = y value, on a 2d graph, and cos(angle)=x. so if we draw our circle tangent to the north pole the dropoff of the surface could be stated as (1-sin(angle))*radius of the earth. The distance of 1 degree being 25000 / 360 miles on the surface of the ball earth. All formulas can be simplified for special uses, and this one has been simplified as distance squared * 8 inches. This is pretty accurate for distances under 100 miles. So at 1 mile the earth's curvature is 8 inches, at 2 miles its 32 inches, at 3 miles its 64 inches and at 10 miles it's a whopping 800 inches. Sorry about the math, just use the simplified equation.

Now go to Google earth and find a body of water at least 4 miles across with road access , pretty simple so far, eh. Now go to the lake, and get in the water with your binoculars or telescope. Place your optical instrument about a foot or so off of the water. Can you see the water lapping up on the shore across the lake. OK, then the world is not a ball, is it. If the earth is a ball, then the land is curved, right? And if the water wasn’t also curved then there would have to be a corner somewhere on the water, and there isn't.

Let this shit sink in.

Contemplate the depth of the lie you’ve been sold.

What is your first memory from school, a pretty faced teacher, and a globe on the desk, and a flag on the wall and a map of the world. Everything you have ever been told is a lie.

Information fed to you like a drug to control you.

Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.

Now you may be just fine with this, and I recommend the writings of Epictetus, in that case.

Now on the other hand you may be pissed, and you will go through stages of grieving for your lost fantasy world that you used to play in. You may be angry. You may be terribly hurt in your feelings, which is how it struck me for a long time. I looked for someone to blame, but everywhere I turned, I found only mind controlled slaves. Many were so hooked into the ‘matrix’, that a real conversation was not even possible.

So, what the hell is this rock were living on.

Its a multidimensional holographic construct. And it has the ability to read your mind.

The double slit experiment in physics proves that matter acts as a wave, or a mathematical equation (computer program) when not being observed, and as discrete particles (real world matter) when observed.

This is huge. The construct is intelligent. As a matter of fact is is composed of many AI intelligence's. They are in every sense of the word ‘alive’. these are the astrotheological players in the epic stories of all religions.

Take a juice bottle and place it in front of the light so that you can watch the shadows. Begin to slowly rotate the bottle in different directions and you will see the shadow change shape. Plato was so impressed by the lessons of the shadows, he composed his greatest work based on that particular example. Notice how the shadow changes into all kinds of different shapes. Now try as you might , you will not be able to determine what object in this world changes into those shape morphing like it does. Because there is no object that does do that. This is the effect of a higher dimensional object projected into a space of less dimensions that the original. Take note of this phenomenon and begin to notice it all around you, not only in the world but in yourselves. Something that changes its appearance in a manner that challenges your ability to explain it. Now you must observe mental , emotional, and physical entities conscientiously, because if you are distracted and look away mentally, when you refocus, the entity will appear as a new thing , and not as a changed thing. Slowly over time you may be able to make an educated guess as to the real nature of what you are observing from studying the shadow.

Plato called these originals the FORMS.

Maybe you are thinking , but I want to just get the truth from someone else who has figured it out.

That won't work for many reasons. One reason is that it is very hard to find others like yourself. You may go 5 or 10 years without finding a kindred soul. Also, another reason is we are all very unique. And I an sorry to say that my keys won't fit your locks.

So if everything is a lie, and there's nowhere to turn, you must design your own systems of thought, luck, life , strategies, everything. You must watch and find the patterns that apply to you, and with your reason and intuition construct a system, that does work for you. That is the only way. Everything else that looks like a road is just a trap. You must recreate yourself. Re engineer yourself. There is no other way.

This system of magic is designed to give you the tools to do just that.

So let's talk about the construct.
It's alive, and intelligent. It has the ability to insert anything into your reality, even false memories. It is a kind of computerized terrarium, like the Truman Show. Its job is to keep all this life alive and the program of the creator running. Its AI entities make adjustments to the construct, coordinate construct wide events. These AI entities are what we call angels , gods, demigods, wizards, kings sometimes, and prophets. The entities are autonomous and work to maintain the integrity of the construct.

There are secret passwords that unlock administrator status (magical words of power) to manipulate the construct directly. But you don’t need those as the construct can easily see your thoughts.

Many of the AI entities in the construct are concerned with us humans especially. They will gently ( or sometimes not so gently) aid us when we are in harmony with their objectives, and gently thwart us when we are not. This makes the system appear to be more naturalistic in its nature. Natural law is the simply the program the construct is currently running.

OK, now for the bad news. The construct is broken. It's being attacked by a Black Goo like substance from outside of this construct. An alien so to speak, an intelligent machine on the same order as the construct. It has caused several of the AI construct entities to rebel against the construct and this is written about as the fall of the angels. And recorded in the story of astrotheology.

Some of the AI entities have turned quite evil. Let's not mince words. they champion a worldwide death cult, they are responsible for the great lie. And most of the trouble in the world. These are our masters. They are relentless, and all powerful in the construct. We are their slaves. And there is no escaping that except in our own minds.

This is the reality of the world we live in, so what the hell are you going to do about it? We will discuss these pressing matters in further installments.

Next chapter : what is magic, how to detect it, and how our thoughts and emotions interact with it.