Magnesium Major Mineral - DAILY!

in #magnesium4 years ago

Magnesium – Major Mineral for Health!
Three different applications of Magnesium to choose from.

  1. Magnesium Orotate+. In Powder form, 99.99% pure Magnesium powder, bioactivated with ARP Technology for even better absorption.
    Magnesium orotate is a magnesium salt of orotic acid. It is a source of magnesium and is used as a mineral supplement to treat Magnesium deficiency. These Salts acts as a transporter that carries magnesium into the cells AND with being charged witht he ARP Tech, it makes it even more effective.
  2. My ARMOR C60 Magnesium (Leave on Lifeforce body Spray). Designed to effectively remineralize and protect your body at cellular level through the largest organ-your skin, from the modern-day environmental pollution that is not only limited to toxic chemical exposure, but also effective for the EMF, ELF pollution.
    Contains: Plasma state of Magnesium Chloride (1.9gm per oz) sourced from the Ancient Zechstein Seabed, C60 Fullerene in Water Soluble State, Organic MSM (Sulphur) (0.70gm per oz) from Tree Lignan, Plasma State of Humic and Fulvic Acid, over 77 Plasmatic Essential Minerals (0.60gm per oz) sourced from an Ancient Natural Source, Plasma state of 24K Gold and Harmonious Health Resonant Frequencies.
    To learn more link below
    To Purchase click below. NZ AND Outside NZ option.
  3. Plasmatic Ionic Liquid Magnesium C60 Fullerene Enhanced - What are PIL Minerals?
    Plasmatic Ionic Liquid Minerals are the only natural liquid minerals ever created that carry a spectrum of electrical spark charges, or rather Life Force of Plasmatic “Light Substance” within their structure. Not only are these PIL Minerals 100% Absorbable on the cellular level, bypassing the digestive tract, but their effect is Amplified, Enhanced and Prolonged greatly by the natural ARP Tech’s Enhancements and the C60 Fullerene in water soluble state.
    To purchase click below. NZ AND Outside NZ Options.