Make Noise Week 125: Weekly Engagement Report.

in #makenoise5 months ago

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Background image generated with AI. Build with InkScape.

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Welcome to another week of Make Noise project, an idea that seeks to reward the interaction of people within the Steem blockchain. The dynamic is simple, each comment you make will add a point and each post 2 points, the one who gets the most points at the end of the week will win.

In the last week We were presenting instabilities on our server that include failures by the service provider, and latencies in the RPC nodes we use, for this reason the statistics are not 100% accurate. We are monitoring to try to solve it as soon as possible.

The ranking can be observed at any time through and the statistics will be refreshed manually between 10:00 on Sunday and 4:00 on Monday UTC time.

The most Engaged users in the last week

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#UserPost countComment countSummary
1@ mahmud552895111 Pts.
2@ wakeupkitty494102 Pts.
3@ radjasalman68698 Pts.
4@ paholags68193 Pts.
5@ zulay705958393 Pts.
6@ sheikhtuhin96987 Pts.
7@ rosselena77387 Pts.
8@ blessedlife77185 Pts.
9@ solperez126084 Pts.
10@ napito86682 Pts.
11@ pandora2010105878 Pts.
12@ shiftitamanna56777 Pts.
13@ cruzamilcar6376074 Pts.
14@ lhorgic36773 Pts.
15@ zisha-hafiz124468 Pts.
16@ yenny4775266 Pts.
17@ mariami94765 Pts.
18@ sabrip65365 Pts.
19@ cranium65163 Pts.
20@ anailuj199235561 Pts.
21@ memamun123660 Pts.
22@ tammanna123660 Pts.
23@ bossj23113860 Pts.
24@ selina1172458 Pts.
25@ dove1194058 Pts.
26@ adeljose74458 Pts.
27@ ikwal26557 Pts.
28@ pea0744957 Pts.
29@ fannyescobar123357 Pts.
30@ rosmarycar9144957 Pts.
31@ anassharkawy24755 Pts.
32@ germanbava24755 Pts.
33@ mdsahin11164254 Pts.
34@ lirvic83854 Pts.
35@ marito7444452 Pts.
36@ nsijoro73650 Pts.
37@ diodao93250 Pts.
38@ mile1634450 Pts.
39@ ripon063034349 Pts.
40@ adriancabrera73549 Pts.
41@ ustazkarim22448 Pts.
42@ alfazmalek53747 Pts.
43@ karianaporras24246 Pts.
44@ tanay12353545 Pts.
45@ fantvwiki63345 Pts.
46@ mohammadfaisal112244 Pts.
47@ whizzbro4eva33844 Pts.
48@ mostofajaman92543 Pts.
49@ vivigibelis53343 Pts.
50@ mrsokal23842 Pts.

The most engaged categories in the last week

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#UserPost countComment countSummary
1Comunidad Latina176525877 Pts.
2AVLE 일상3766758 Pts.
3WORLD OF XPILAR231263725 Pts.
4steemhunt34311697 Pts.
5Steem For Bangladesh154348656 Pts.
6Steem Venezuela122409653 Pts.
7TipTag3212644 Pts.
8APPICS3091619 Pts.
9CCS24290574 Pts.
10Incredible India123298544 Pts.
11Ukraine on Steem146242534 Pts.
12Best 일상2481497 Pts.
13Scouts y sus Amigos82299463 Pts.
14Steem For Ladies88243419 Pts.
15Actifit2091419 Pts.
16Steem SEA16091411 Pts.
17kr19324410 Pts.
18Steem4Nigeria106183395 Pts.
20cn1862374 Pts.
21Italy117133367 Pts.
22Steem Kids & Parents93155341 Pts.
23Hindwhale Community104129337 Pts.
24Venezolanos Steem55224334 Pts.
25Steem For Pakistan101120322 Pts.
26Colombia-Original78149305 Pts.
27Steemit Iron Chef67170304 Pts.
28STEEM CN/中文1393281 Pts.
29Hot News Community8687259 Pts.
30Steem4Bloggers7988246 Pts.
31Healthy Steem7595245 Pts.
32Steem Fashion&Style60106226 Pts.
33photography1045213 Pts.
34Freewriters39123201 Pts.
35Steem-Agro5081181 Pts.
36crypto881177 Pts.
37Steem Entrepreneurs6740174 Pts.
38btc811163 Pts.
39GLOBAL STEEM784160 Pts.
40life6816152 Pts.
41Steem Nations5628140 Pts.
42zzan6215139 Pts.
44steemit6013133 Pts.
45Traveling Steem4151133 Pts.
47Project HOPE589125 Pts.
48steem5316122 Pts.
49Steem Cameroon4819115 Pts.
50gastronomy-s20w61879115 Pts.

The point system is based on: post = 2 points, comment = 1 point

Top 10 users

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@mahmud552Old things are more useful.
@paholagsCapturando momentos Semana 7: Aplicación 4 - Fotografía del cielo
@zulay7059SEC-S20W6 / Bebidas 🍹🍹
@sheikhtuhinMay the creator give success to the hard working people.
@rosselenaMis cantantes italianos favoritos 🇭🇺
@solperezDelicias del Menú Diario Semana Nro. 41/ 18/10/2024
@cruzamilcar63El rasguño y el beso/ Scratch and kiss
@zisha-hafizThe Diary Game: 17.10.2024// Peaceful day with beautiful nature and household chores
@yenny47The Diary game 16/0/10/2024 Recibimos una donación en mal estado 😡
@sabripThe Diary Game 19/10/2024 // Mi hijo tuvo su primer juego amistado en el nuevo equipo.


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Rules are necessary to regulate the winner selection, and we will be adding a few of them with the time, from now we will only add the this:

  • Users or communities cannot win two times in a row.
  • Users should have to post at least 5 times in the week.
  • The posts should be of quality, something better that images with few text. (We recommend 250-300 words and 3 pictures)
  • Steem Representatives are not elegible for prizes.
  • The communities eligible for prizes WILL ONLY be those that have an active community account, that is, the prize will be awarded to the community. Under no circumstances will we reward a moderator or common user for the performance of a community.

We reserve the right to blacklist spamming accounts.


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  • TOP users will receive booming vote.
  • We invite the users to support top communities as we don't have a prize yet.


We are well aware that several users are constantly trying to abuse the system in order to get additional support, for this reason We will be randomly reviewing the quality of the comments that different authors are making (especially the authors selected to receive booming support). If we find negative patterns, we will make the relevant recommendations. Multiple faults will incur a permanent inclusion in the blacklist of the initiative.

cc @steemcurator01


We are the hope!


Thank you very much for selecting me.I will always try to work regularly inshallah and thanks for your support

Thank you so Sir @alejos7ven for mentioning my name in the "Top 10 users". This is one of the greatest achievements of my life. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God bless you always.

Guao! Estoy feliz de formar parte de esta losta de steemitas. Les deseo éxito a todos.

Iremos por mas

yo pensé que era un psicopatía publicando tanto y generando ruido. así que bueno iremos por mas si no hay problema ideas locas a cada rato se me ocurren , y veo a muchos locos por esta parte también

Feliz y bendecido @alejos7ven, gracias por el apoyo y por valorar mi trabajo. Gracias, eso me compromete a dar siempre lo mejor y seguir esforzándome.

Te envío un abrazo 🤗. Que tengas un excelente día. Bendiciones

¡Muchas gracias por la mención amigos!🤗

Cada semana es una nueva oportunidad para compartir con los steemians que hacen vida en este universo llamado Steemit así que, a seguir dando lo mejor porque aún falta mucho por hacer.

Lluvia de bendiciones para todos🙏🏻💚


@alejos7ven Thank you so much for putting my name first in the top ten, this week I try to be first and increase my engagement, it's good to see this week's engagement report.

Saludos amigo
@alejos7ven, gracias por valorar mi participación.
Exitos para usted