Guess I'm part of the woodwork. Three years today. steemCreated with Sketch.

in #mallsballers5 years ago

There were fewer than 50,000 accounts when I arrived on the 6th of August 2016.
The price was free-falling past $2, and wouldn't regain that level for another 7 months.

Still from Pirates of the Carribean.

I got straight onto Facebook and put the feelers out. One of my friends jumped on as @holoz0r and is still with us to this day.
I think the shadow-banning started not long after, as any post about Steem fell flat from then on.


My first post - - is unfortunately just as relevant today as it was then.
I'm still in touch with the lovely Scarlette, although we no longer work together. She's now married and has beautiful, twin baby boys.

My main motivation for joining up was the permanence of the chain.
People say that once something's on the net it's there forever; but that's not meant as an offer, it's meant as a threat.
Before blockchains, you didn't have any way to make sure desired information would always be available online; I remember seeing guys charging to embed a message in the bitcoin blockchain, so when I understood that Steem flipped that around and offered to pay, rather than charge, I knew I was looking at a viable business model.

My paternal Grandfather took his own life when my Dad was only a baby (PTSD and chronic tinnitus from WWII), so I grew up with an acute appreciation of how fortunate I was to have my Dad in my life, and a sadness at how much he had lost.
So much of who his Father had been was lost when he died; and I knew I didn't want that for my kids.
If something was to happen and I wasn't around to raise Henry, Fletcher and Evelyn to adulthood, if they then wanted to know who their Dad was, I wanted to know they could learn.

Dad, reading a bedtime story to Fletcher

My dear friend and cherished member of the Adelaide community, @minismallholding actually went through and read all of my old posts, and I'm confident she now knows me better than close friends I've known for decades. This is a big part of my hesitation to post too frequently, or on current events. I don't want a future reader to face wading through reams of dated news-sharing to get that understanding.



Me reading to Evelyn

Its been a fascinating 3 years.

  • I lost a gif chess match against @blocktrades, @armen and @brendio.

  • I got to be a millionaire (in Aussie dollars) for less than a day, before the price started unraveling.

  • I've held quarterly hardcore races in Path of Exile, a brilliant game.

  • I've kicked off, (with the help of my boys, @holoz0r and @o07), the #mallsballers here in Adelaide, South Australia, with monthly meetups (last Thursday of the month from 6pm at The Jade, on Flinders St.)

  • I met @rustle and sent him off on his travels.

  • I saw a bright future in Splinterlands and moved in heavy, early, managing to hoard more than 25% of the world's Alpha Flesh Golems.

  • I secured Steem silver round #8/1500 in 2017 and 2018, and plan to do so again this year. I'm also fortunate to count the artists behind both designs as good friends. @bearone, @welshstacker; love your work.

Thanks for making it an incredible 3 years; I'm very much looking forward to the next 3.


I love the meet ups. We have a core group, and those who turn up when they can. I always learn something new about the Steem there because people use it differently, seemingly every month. There's always a new dApp that comes, and unfortunately... goes but each attempt at least proves what is possible and what isn't.
I do wonder how many dApps would still be around if Steem had gone up instead of down last year.

2 dollars at the time?
Sounds so far away right now. ;)

You joined just a few days after me. It's been an interesting journey. Always some drama, but a lot of fun too. There are plenty of good people if you seek them out. I'm wary of putting too much personal information online, especially when it is so permanent, but there's plenty to write about anyway.

Shit. This means I'm going to have to write something meaningful about my three years on the chain soon as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol I guess I didn't get the memo

Its the law. Code is law. Something whimsical yet profound or else.

Congrats! I created my account in February 2017 but started posting only in June 2017. It's been one hell of a ride. From the depths of $0.069 per STEEM on March 10 2017 to the dizzying height of $8.57 on January 3 2018. It's $0.209 when I checked a moment ago. Development has picked up pace during the bear market and the whole chain is in vastly better shape than it ever was during the bull run. These valuations are really just garbage. There is no price discovery apart from blind speculation. When we have hundreds of games as successful as Splinterlands on chain and turning profit, then we may perhaps begin to be able to estimate a value for the base layer.

So true. I haven't dropped any fiat in for ages, but if they want to offer me STEEM under 20c, that's going to be difficult to pass up.

Yes, imagine 10 cent STEEM. For only $500 you could become an instant dolphin. Steem didn't die last time when the price was at 7 cents and there was no MIRA to keep the cost of running a full node down. At 10 cents there would be little downside left but based on the past, the upside could be huge. It could go up 100x or more like it did last time.

Cheers to the OG’s!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Congrats on your Steemiversary.

Like the way you are approaching the "permanence of the chain". Hadn't really looked at it this way. But as my Wife sits there and looks at photos posted on facebook of our kids years ago because they popped up as a "memory" that she can share and I read your post I'm thinking I need to get back to more posts revolving around our lives.

ha, happy 3 years. congrats mattclarke. :)

Awesome brother, a man and father to his kids. Happy to see guys like you still around, no matter the prices of Steem. Cheers, here's to another three years and beyond.... Sending Blessing to you and your fam

P.S. Love the Go to jail Monopoly T-Shirt..... Lol

Thanks mate. I'm not going anywhere, except the moon maybe :)

Sounds like a plan, I'm coming too.....🚀

Posted using Partiko Android

Happy steemitversary the 3rd @mattclarke.. I just recognise your id from splintersland 😆 and your children are so lucky to have their dad stories on blockchain.