Say hello to my little friend; @frogcake. A sweet treat-bot for the Adelaide community.

in #mallsballers6 years ago (edited)

The way we win this thing is to take the world city by city.

Regular in-person meetups. Face to face buying and selling of STEEM, SBD, Steemmonsters cards etc.

This whole thing only becomes real when we make it real.
A warm fire in Winter and a cold beer in Summer.


We just enjoyed our 9th monthly meetup, where we officially launched our communal voting bot @frogcake.

An iconic South Australian bakery, Balfours launched the frogcake - wikipedia page here - in 1922 and it's been a treasured local treat ever since.

Much more recently, one of our team, @lordnigel, (who also runs a couple of bots as part of his popular monthly Interactive Battle Tournaments) volunteered to write a bot for us, and he's done a fantastic job.

At the same time each day, frogcake draws ten account names from its list and upvotes each account's most recent comment at 100%

This is not only lucrative for those on the list, it also gives them one comment a day with a chance of being bumped to the top of the responses on a post.
They might see a post with a lot of responses and have an insight they'd really like promoted; all they need to do is revisit the post and comment before turning in for the night.
If its well written, upvoted by frogcake and subsequently well received, they might wake up to find its attracted more upvotes, replies and perhaps even a few followers.

Now getting on the list is either really straightforward or incredibly difficult, but at least its simple.

  • Come to 3 Adelaide meetups.
  • Delegate 100SP to @frogcake.

Frogcake has been designed as an incubator, so newcomers have a very specific early target.
It's not a gift, they need to earn it themselves by buying or earning that initial 100SP and coming out to the meetups (another advantage of face to face, no sock puppets); but once they have, it's a ticket to get them from minnow to dolphin.

At the end of each calendar year, we'll calculate the total each account has made from frogcake votes and add 25% of that figure to their delegation requirement.

The longer somebody is on the list, the more it will cost them to stay on it; incentivising them to undelegate and leave the list, giving everyone else a higher chance of being drawn, or increasing their total contribution to frogcake's weight, subisidising newer members.

If you've been to at least 3 meetups, the link to delegate 100 SP to frogcake is - here -
Just edit the name in the URL to your own and hit Enter, check the profile pics and total are correct, then enter your Active key to Submit the delegation.


NB: Any steemian is welcome to join us at the monthly meetups, held on the last Thursday of each month, at The Jade on Flinders St from 6pm, you don't need to live in Adelaide, we love visitors too.
If you visit 3 times, you're eligible to delegate and go on the list.

I encourage anyone looking to build their city to keep an eye on @frogcake's progress. The founders of the #mallsballers community share a vision of a thriving Adelaide scene, but as the group grows it's becoming harder to make sure everyone's being supported.
By making sizeable delegations to frogcake, heavy hitters are giving brand-new steemians a goal to aim for and a reason to come out and meet in person, while making sure our regulars are being looked after.

As long as I follow @the-canary, you'll know I'm posting freely.


I've already got my ticket

  • Love the Frog!

Big praise for this has to go to @lordnigel for the bot programming, @holoz0r for providing so much assistance and a home for @frogcake and of course you, Matt, for supplying the fuel to get it going in a blaze of glory. Let's not forget @o07 in his role providing a space for Adelaide on his discord. Lets be honest, the mallsballers are amazing! A fantastic group of people and a great example for what community can achieve.

Posted using Partiko Android

Absolutely. We really appreciate your wisdom in the design process, too.
The #mallsballers are just getting started.

hmmm yum yum, balfour frog cakes are one of my favourite cakes.

I don't think I've actually eaten one since I was about 10.
We'd love to see you at a meetup when you're free.
Next one is on the 25th from 6pm at The Jade in the city.
(Same bat time, same bat channel)

This is a really cool idea bud, I love seeing bots which are built for the greater good.
I may jump on board but I would prefer to leave positions available for ballers who could do with the support more than me.
Here is an updated delegation link it's a much easier way to delegate, especially when the initial 100 SP delegation needs to be bumped up ;)

That's brilliant, thanks mate. So it uses actual SP instead of Vests, so no calculation.
I've just been eyeballing it over and over to get close; which can be laborious.
By all means get on it, we only have 5 on so far :)
@o07, @holoz0r and I have been worried that we'll miss baller posts, so hefty frogcake delegations is how we'll be supporting the Adelaide scene from now on, and I'd hate to see any ballers missing out.

No worries m8, yeah the eyeballing method sucks.

Done just delegated 100 Sp to frogcake, thanks for helping to get this off the ground for us malls ballers appreciate it.
Will have to chuck a few cents extra for @lordnigel with me up votes too, though I powered up a bit while steem price was low so votes are worth more now anyway :D

Nice :)
Great to have you on board.
Let us know when you start getting upvotes.

Thanks m8, noticed I got my first upvote :D

Sounds like a great idea! I'm not close, so I don't think I'll be making any meetups, but I really like the idea and I'm glad to see people coming up with new ways to encourage actual engagement, real life engagement, and support to help people grow to dolphins. That can only help the whole Steem economy. :)

I was wondering who this @frogcake fella was.
It was the Adelaide gang all along!

We would've got away with it too, but we couldn't resist detailing our devious plan.

Yummm, I usually save frogs from pool skimmers, but I would eat you @frogcakes. Yum
Thanks for your support.

Great initiative. Be great to replicate this in South East QLD. Been far too long between Steemups up here.

Thanks mate. Its actually going really well and has been of great benefit to the Adelaide crew.
Coming up on 500 native SP; only just enough people on the list to find sufficient comments to upvote each day, so near guaranteed upvote currently.
We had 3 more newcomers at today's BBQ, so @ligayagardener, @mazzle and @bluemango8 only need come to 2 more meets and delegate 100 SP, and they'll be on the list.

Let’s have another BBQ this month so that I can hit 3 meet ups by the end of March. :P

Posted using Partiko iOS

@o07 was just saying on discord he had a massive sleep (back to back night-shifts) and I've just broken it to him that the BBQ's are 18 months apart, so missing one means 3 years without.

18 months! We’d better make the next one a massive event then.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I must have missed this post. I like how you've linked it to the meet ups and are raising the bar for longer term contributors. Hope it works as you intended because the design of the idea seems sound!

Thanks mate. We had a working group bounce ideas around on discord for a month or two; it was very much a joint effort.
I think we've balanced the incentive structures well, if it works it could become the model for building up a city, which would be cool.
Keeping alts at bay by requiring meetup attendance was crucial.
If we can convince a few new recruits to drop $60 on steem while the price is manageable and power it up, they'll be very glad they did.