An Alternate History - Hermanubis: The God You've Likely Never Heard of

in #mandelaeffect4 years ago (edited)

This gorgeous rendition of Hermanubis is by the talented occult painter, Stuart Littlejohn, and can be purchased at his Redbubble storefront.

I have reason to believe that I'm from an alternate reality with a different subtle history, but in order for you to understand what I'm about to try and explain, a small bit of backstory is necessary ..

Back in the summer of 2018, I went through a series of reality/mind bending experiences, and without going into too much unnecessary detail, at one point during the midst of one of my more harrowing ordeals, I came across this curious new "fusion-god" by the name of "Hermanubis" (a fusion between "Hermes" and the Egyptian God "Anubis") .. This deity appeared to me during the peak of one of my experiences, which .. while at the time, the vibes within my set/setting had been heavily steeped in Egyptian feelz and psychedelic lore .. to put it to you simply, the timing of this surreal experience was incredibly synchronistic in it's nature .. before this fateful moment in history, I am without a shadow of doubt certain that I had never heard of the mysterious God named "Hermanubis" before in my entire life. Although I had been slowly growing suspicious of being in an alternate reality before this point, It was during this very moment that I realized with conviction that I somehow wound up in an alternate reality.

To give you a bit of personal, relative background .. earlier in my life, many years ago prior to having this experience, I had taken a great deal of time to study ancient deities and gods, especially the gods that had existed within the Egyptian pantheon in particular, as I have always had an incredible fascination with Egyptian lore. I was immediately baffled by the fact that I had never came across this God-form before this point.. and especially not a "FUSION" God, at that! .. it was unexplainable .. during the moment of my timely discovery, I was absolutely convinced that without a shadow of a doubt I somehow landed in an alternate timeline or parallel dimension where this new Deity now existed .. as bold as I know this claim is to make, to this day, I'm still convinced that "Hermanubis" never existed in the timeline that I was originally from, prior to this fateful day .. I'm not someone who speaks with certainty on these types of matters so easily, especially regarding something that is so hard to fathom, and so difficult for many people to reasonably believe.

I had made a post a few years back on Reddit to document this same discovery at the time, but I imagine that it wasn't compiled properly and was likely poorly written at the time, and I imagine that it must have gotten buried back in the dustbin of Reddit, for at the time of the initial writing, I was still in the midst of a very convoluted, twisted, manic vision quest of sorts, so the degree in which I was able to articulate myself properly at the time was likely quite dismal.

Since I firmly believe that this discovery deserves the time and utmost attention to be written with proper care, I've decided to resuscitate my report and document my findings properly, and will now reopen this interesting case study for further investigation.

"Hermanubis - The Most Magically Useful God That You've Never Heard of"
(May 2, 2018)

(It's important to note that this article was actually written roughly around the same time-frame in which my noteworthy experience took place. I'm not the author of this article .. [Q: Why is it that for such a magically useful God, the author has already made the rather presumptive claim that most people have never heard of it?] )

So right off the bat, as I'm beginning to dig deeper and re-investigate this subject, there a few noteworthy factors that strike me as rather odd so far ..

If you search YouTube, there isn't ONE single video containing any useful information that is posted before 2018! .. don't just take my word for it either, look for yourself! .. if you do a basic search of "Hermanubis" I can also assure you that anything you even come across on YouTube is amazingly limited, and most hold hardly any actually useful information whatsoever .. In fact, most of the videos I found are just downright useless .. honestly, most of these mysterious videos are actually quite curious, not because of the information they hold, but rather, their lack of information .. watch a few of them and you'll see for yourself just how trivial they actually are .. if you search "Hermanubis" in the YouTube search bar, you'll only find one brief page of results .. only one! [ Q: Wouldn't you assume that for a God that is allegedly "the most magically useful", don't you think that at the very least there would be far more tribute videos, respectfully made in honor of this powerful deity? .. and why aren't there even many informational videos to be found? .. I find these questions to be rather compelling all on their own.]

Here are a few links I managed to scrounge together that hold some information regarding Hermanubis:

  • "Behemoth Mysterium Conjunctionis (Hermanubis)" (death metal) (Nov. 4, 2018)

  • "Who is Hermanubis? It's Thoth, Anubis, and Hermes (Trismegistis) aka Mercury" (May 16, 2018)

  • (It's important to note that this isn't the only piece of evidence that I have regarding my "alternate history" claim .. this one just happens to be the most compelling.)

    *So what do you think? .. Is there anyone else out there who is as equally familiar with the Egyptian pantheon as me, who also happens to find it rather odd that they've never heard of this "Fusion God" before this point as well? .. Is it possible that I slipped into a parallel reality where Hermanubis now existed, where prior to this moment, he hadn't? .. Please feel free to share if you have any curious thoughts or personal findings that you can contribute.

    (I will continue to add new information I come across in forthcoming updates as I continue to investigate.)