The Importance of Management: basics of management and skills of manager

in #mangement11 months ago


Human skills
This type of skills is related to the ability to work with others, whether as heads, subordinates or colleagues at the same level of employment. This skill provides an effective member of the group and a manager with greater human skills who is better able to communicate with, motivate or lead others more effectively. Intellectual skillsThese skills are linked to the ability to analyze, diagnose, innovate and solve problems. Managerial levels and skills of a managerPrevious skills vary according to the managerial level of a managerThree basic managerial levels can be distinguished: senior management is the top organizational pyramid of the organization. It belongs to the Director-General or Executive Director and his associates. Senior management functions are focused on: setting the organization's overall objectives. Formulation of the organization's strategy. Harmony between the Organization and its external environment.

Middle-level management
Represents the link between lower management and senior management of heads of quality units and directors of specialized departments
Its functions are focused on:
Implementation of policies and strategies established by senior management to allocate functions and achieve coordination between managers of lower management.
Minimum management level
All supervisors and heads of departments concerned with the follow-up of executive work belong to them.
and direct supervision of workers.
B. Translation of the Organization's objectives into implementation programme development
Transfer complaints, suggestions and information to higher levels. We therefore conclude that the importance of technical skills is increasing at lower levels, intellectual skills are increasing at higher levels, and human skills are increasing at all levels of management