The Law of Attraction Broken Down Into 7 StepssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #manifest7 years ago (edited)

My journey in understanding the Law of Attraction has led me down many avenues. The lessons never end. The perspectives of life I gain as I study and research continue to awaken parts of myself I did not know I could tap into. With each day I’m building more and more on my understanding of the relationship between the mind and the objects around us and I intend to share with you my current understanding.

There’s a formula for manifestation that I have developed for myself and it goes as follows:


Your Intention comes first

Your Intention, how I understand it today, is your choice in what you want to create and the means through which you choose to create it: through your heart with compassion, your mind with understanding, in relationship with love or with your hands and body in physical creation.

Your Intention directs your attention

After you’ve taken time to sit and envision what it is you intend to create in your life whether it is tangible or intangible, let it go. Your mind will hold this intention hidden beneath the surface and your attention that you give with your heart, your eyes or your relationships will be guided.

Your Thoughts and Emotions react to what it is that you give your attention to

Your Thoughts and Emotions are just reactions. At the same time they are your reactions. If your reactions are negative and they are getting in the way of you creating what it is you want in your life you will need to do some work to move through those emotions and move through your thoughts.

The more work you do, the lighter these reactions become and the easier it will be to simply move past the ones that get in your way and instead tap into the thoughts and emotions that cultivate action.

Actions are motivated by constructive Thoughts and Emotions

Once you’ve amended or eased the pain of whatever it is that is getting in your way, you will find that your Thoughts and Emotions, in reacting to what you are giving your attention to, will be encouraging, creative and guiding. These are your mental tools that need to be trained to aid you in your creation.

The same goes for your hands. Your hands in physical creation must be trained to accomplish that which you aim to create physically. Can’t learn to play piano overnight!

Creation is the process

Creation is the process of your interaction with the world outside of you constructively whether you are building relationships with people, building a business or learning to play guitar. In creation you build a relationship with that which give your attention to.

Manifestations are relationships

The manifestation is the relationship that you were intending to create from the beginning.

my favorite two

From this framework there are a few of key lessons I’ve learned that I would like to point out:

  1. Your thoughts and emotions are subsequent to your intention. If you’ve been caught in a loop with your thoughts and emotions and they influence what you give your attention to, STOP. Breath. Be with your breath for a moment. Then start again with a new Intention. There is nothing you cannot create and if your mind tells you 'that's not true, you are limited,' that is only your mind's reaction.

  2. You have no limitations other than the ones you create for yourself in your personal relationship with you.

  3. Everything in the known universe is an object. Matter, thoughts, emotions and even the state of your nervous system in fight of flight mode - these are all objects that you can give your attention to.

    In the end, when manifesting a new reality, you are not changing the object itself, you are changing the relationship that you have with that object.

  4. Relationships are a two way street.

I know that there is definitely more to the grand picture than a simple formula, but this is a start. This post is the creation of what I intend to manifest. In this Steemit community I intend to help build a greater sense of understanding of how it is that we can all manifest the life that we aim to create for ourselves and each other and to do our best to learn and understand more and more how to live well in good relationship with ourselves, each other and the Earth.

Steem On Brothers and Sisters!