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RE: Market Friday - Panic Buying - Coronavirus

in #marketfriday4 years ago

Oh!! I hope you found some by now!!! You don't want to be without in this season.

Your #MarketFriday was so appropriate!! I did the same for mine! :) There is literally nothing left on the shelves for three weeks now. What are they doing with all of this food? Sometimes I think they rent a storage shed for it and horde it there!

God help us all and I hope that we all come out winners in this battle or at the very least, in an upward way.

Thanks again for being part of the challenge!!!

#MarketFriday loves you!

Upped and steemed

!tip .20

Please stay safe!


Thank you. We are on partial lock down now but things are still flying off the shelves. Stay strong and safe!