Marketing Tricks: One Page Method
Ask any advertisement manager which newspaper page will be most efficient. They will tell you that it would be an empty page with one sentence only. They call this psychological trick as “One Page Method”.
The problem of modern messages in business, advertisement and marketing is that their creators input too much meaning in them. And the purpose is diluted. Most of the people nowadays are overloaded with those messages.
If you want your idea to be heard and understood just leave it alone to the reader, listener or customer.
- When creating a presentation highlight one idea and put it on the empty slide;
- When speaking by phone describe one thought at a time and say nothing more;
- When talking a story choose only one, no more.
At the first glance One Page Method seems to be too simple but it’s a really effective one because others remain to be complicated and difficult to understand.

Вспомнила Штирлица и его "запоминается последняя фраза":)
А я-то думал, просматривая Times за чашкой утреннего чая, ну что за идиоты, на всю полосу печатающие одно предложение))) Всё-таки разный у нас менталитет)