
You really can learn to develop a solid, robust and profitable marketing plan for the 21st century. But you need "Big Win Marketing" book...

Do not let the low cost of this book fool you into taking it lightly. If you really, really want to grow your business without wasting time and scarce money on marketing, buy Big Win Marketing book and complete the exercises inside. You will not be disappointed.

Over the last 9 years I have paid coaches to help me develop my business - over $56K (not to mention the cost of travel, hotels, etc... to attend training sessions). And while I learned quite a lot about the mechanics and systems of my particular business, no coach or combination of coaches were able to help me develop a solid marketing plan that would hold up month after month, year after year (since they didn't really have one either). So I was always on the lookout for books and courses regarding marketing my business (and I have read quite a number of books on the subject).

That said, I am stunned that I have learned more about marketing in the 21st century and also the specific action steps to perform to develop a solid, functional and sustainable plan from a $9.99 e-book than any other coach or book to date. I think I need to ask all those coaches I hired in the past for my money back.

It was almost like the light bulbs were turning on in my brain as I read the pages and performed the exercises. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. At the end of the book I had a complete, robust, inexpensive and sustainable marketing plan for my business. In fact, my marketing plan is so complete that I've already started implementing it.

I'm a speed reader and I probably could have read the book in an six to seven hours (505 pages). However, because I decided to complete the exercises in the book (they made a lot of sense to me and my previous coaches had not had me do the majority of these exercises) it took me over a week to complete the book.

But wow, what a week of learning it was. The book is as complete as it gets. It logically progresses from the best definition of marketing I have seen, to walking through the steps and activities to define your market place, to developing the type of marking thrust across multiple marketing legs to attract clients, get clients to trust you and want to do business with you, to retaining and growing the individual customers to continue purchasing over time.

No matter what business you're in, whether it's service related or manufactured goods, if you want to learn to market in the 21st century, and if you're willing to follow the advice and perform the exercises that the author Kridip Kakati provides in this book, then buy this book and you will learn to develop a marketing plan and strategy that will allow you to compete successfully and make you money.

PS: Please don't tell my competitors about this book. I enjoy the advantage this gives me.