
I bet you a penny to a pound, that the majority of that 300k unique visitors were people from other platforms reading Steemit articles.

The fact is we as content creators have pushed Steemit results to the top of the Google tree, however joining is such a long-winded hassle that I doubt many of that 300k converted into users.

Or perhaps I'm wrong, maybe we got 300k unique visitors and 30k new user sign-ups?

No, I didn't think so.


Thank you @cryptogee! That was exactly what I was trying to say here, but I didn't find the right words.

Of course generates a lot of organic traffic through Google, I mean we've created huge amounts of content about any topic that exists in the world since three years now. But reading an article on doesn't convert you into a community member. Signing up does.

I've been doing Marketing since 13 years now, and if there is anything I've learned during that time then it's that you need to be honest no matter what. Marketing is always about telling stories, triggering emotions, getting people itchy. Yet, what you would never do is giving a promise you cannot keep. Cause then you'd be gambling away people's loyalty.

IMO there is no need to tell people that we have 1 million users on the blockchain for two reasons: a) It's not true, and 2) nobody would expect that. We have an amazingly strong community of a couple of thousand content creators, highly committed to both Steem and crypto in general. That's something we can all be very proud of.

If I was in charge, I would confidently sell exactly that. Just that.

Again, thanks for stopping by and have a nice Monday!

@justinw said 300 Unique Visitors and not DAU = Daily active users. 300K unique visitors is "News portal" size.

Yeah, i actually picked up a few STEEMIT articles being used as sources for youtube videos with hundreds of thousands of views.
Steemit is by far the most used dapp. Problem is that people arent jumping on.