Streamline Your Adult Model Recruitment: 3 Processing Mistakes to Fix

in #marketing3 months ago (edited)


In the adult industry — whether it is escort services, webcam modeling, or OnlyFans—competition for attracting and retaining talent is intensifying rapidly. Mistakes in processing applications can cost you valuable talent and missed opportunities.

In this article, we will explore the three most common mistakes in application processing and offer ways to avoid them, ensuring that models choose your agency. Let's dive into the details!

Mistake №1: "Writing a book," thinking that girls love to read

Imagine that a girl has scoured the entire website with vacancies, chose your agency, and messaged: "Hello! Tell me more about the work." What do we usually do? We send her a novel-length message with all the information, request photos and services, and top it off with the question: "When are you ready to start?"

You're not writing an article! You're communicating with a person. Yes, it's convenient. Yes, it works if the girl is 101% interested. BUT! Look at the amount of ignores. And if she has no experience in this field and you overwhelm her with all this information, topped with service details? "This way, we filter out non-serious inquiries!" you might say. Keep doing that, finding bronze while the gold slips away without reading your message.

My favorite rule is to COMMUNICATE LIKE HUMANS, not robots, ENGAGE IN A DIALOGUE, not a monologue. Yes, it takes more time, but the results will follow.


This point also includes a lack of a personalized approach. Often, the mistake is sending template messages. In today's world, where everyone strives for uniqueness, such an approach can create an impression of indifference and push potential models away.

Mistake №2: The Train Has Left! Girls Don't Like Waiting

  • "Hello! Can you tell me more about the job?"

She sent a message, but the reply was as silent as an empty theater after a play. Do you understand what I'm talking about? Ignore.

  • "???" Only the most patient and highly interested girls will send you a follow-up message after your silence.

Her questions disappear into the void, like a shout in a vacuum, with no response. Do you understand what I'm talking about? Ignore.

NOBODY WILL WAIT FOR YOU! If you don't process her application on time, the girl won't cry or wait. She will draw conclusions about your organization (or lack thereof) and decide that you don't have managers... And immediately message another agency.

Believe it or not, girls are often ignored or replied to after a week. Do you really think they will wait? No, she is already working, hopefully with your competitors.


Slow response times can instantly lower interest in your agency. In a world where competitors are alert, sluggishness can cost you valuable candidates who will choose more responsive and attentive agencies.

Mistake №3: Piece by Piece

Some mistakes do not stand out as separate items. But they can significantly impact your interaction with candidates. Let's look at a few common blunders:


After the girl's first message, do you bombard her with a long list of questions? A list that seems endless? Avoid asking more than two questions at a time. It's better to gather information gradually, through dialogue. This won't scare her off and will foster interaction and trust.

Tip: Keep the conversation like a chat, not an interrogation. Start with simple questions and gradually delve deeper. This will create a friendlier atmosphere.



Sending voice messages to save time? Think about the girl in a room with her boyfriend, parents, or even children. Is it convenient for her to listen to your messages?

Tip: Always ask if she can listen to voice messages beforehand. Avoid voice messages, especially for important details — finding and replaying information in the chat can be challenging.


Do you want to know right away what the girl looks like? Requesting photos in the first few messages can scare off many. Try to build at least a minimal level of trust first.

Tip: Never ask for sensitive photos immediately. Start with a regular selfie or a full-body photo. Experienced girls might easily share their portfolios, but newcomers may find it intimidating.


If you truly want new faces in your agency, interact with girls with respect and understanding. Did she send photos? Compliment her, even if she doesn't fit your criteria. Shared a problem? Show sympathy.

Tip: Build trust with candidates. Show that you value their time and efforts! And that you are willing to support them.


Want to convince a girl that working with you is safe and honest? Prove it. Provide a website, reviews, photos, and videos of the apartments. If possible, arrange a brief video call.

Tip: Transparency and proof of your legitimacy will build trust.


We don't take passports,” “You won't get arrested,” “We don't hold anyone.” Such phrases, especially early in the conversation, can sound suspicious.

Tip: Avoid mentioning these things until the girl asks these questions. Important to be open but not to provoke unnecessary fears.

What Do We Offer?

We specialize in setting up Facebook and Instagram ads for complex niches often blocked by moderators. Our experts know how to find vulnerabilities in the system and use them for promotion.

Want to know how we brought 17 models to a Swiss agency in the first month of cooperation? Check out our case study.

From the case study, you can see that in the first month, we received 1,791 applications. The client had difficulty handling all the applications, so they decided to use our managers' help.

What Do Processing Application Managers Do?

  1. Fast Lead Handling. Managers work on a set schedule, processing new leads within 20 minutes. This ensures the girl doesn't forget about the ad and her interest in the job.
  2. Dialogue and Filtering. Managers engage in dialogue with candidates, answer all questions, and request the necessary information and photos. If the girl doesn't fit, they filter her out at this stage. Sometimes dialogues can last months—and that's okay, everyone has their decision-making timeline.
  3. Client Approval. Managers send brief profiles with photos of the girls for client approval. In ambiguous situations (e.g., if the girl has many tattoos), the manager clarifies with the client if the candidate is suitable.
  4. Support Until Ticket Purchase. If the girl is approved, the manager supports her until she buys the tickets if the agency doesn't cover them. If the agency covers the tickets, the manager helps find a suitable option in terms of dates and cost.
  5. Complete Profile. The client receives the girl's full profile with her information, services, work photos, and ticket details.

Convenient, right? We also provide processing application management tips if clients don't want to use our managers' services. We aim to ensure no one is left unattended.

Payment: Managers get paid after the girl arrives and completes a certain number of days of work, keeping them motivated to do their job well.

Limited Availability: We have a limited number of managers, so this service is only available for monthly cooperation and is not always in stock.


We offer you to try our services completely free for ONE DAY! You allocate an advertising budget of $30-50/€ -> we launch an advertising campaign for your project. This trial lets you discover the power of our system and decide if it benefits your business.

It's important to distinguish between the advertising budget and the cost of our services. The advertising budget goes directly to Facebook to run your ads.

Do you want to attract models for your Escort / Webcam / OnlyFans agency?

If you need a reliable team with extensive experience in the 18+ niche or want to consult with us, get in touch!

Get in contact with me:

If you have another 18+ business that is hard to advertise on Facebook, we can work with that, too.