Wrong Reasons For Getting Married

in #marriage7 years ago


Some get married for wrong reasons and foolish expectations, thinking marriage will solve their problems. Listen to me, marriage will not resolve your issues. In fact, it will magnify them. Then you will affect and possibly infect your spouse with your poisonous attitude.

Some people are always sad for reasons best known to them, so they think if they eventually get married, they will find happiness. Don't think when you get married you will find happiness at all times. Marriage is meant to be fulfilling, but putting the pressure on a spouse to make you happy is not healthy or realistic.

I have a friend that is always moody each time you see her she's not happy and we thought maybe when she finally get married, she will find joy. That is a lie. I saw her recently with the same mood after a year in her marriage. I tell you, your happiness does not depend on anyone but yourself. Don't wait that when I finally get married my husband will always make me happy. Make yourself happy at all times don't allow things that you can not change to affect your mood.


Secondly some get married because they are lonely, so they want to use marriage as an escape route, they say

Marriage is for companionship so when i eventually get married my husband/wife will be their for me at all times. I say You lie! Sometimes, is like jumping from frying pan to fire.
You can be married and be alone. It is possible to live in a house with a person and be alone. married people can still feel alone and misunderstood some times.

Another point is changing a person. when we eventually get married i will change him. You are dating someone that always beat you up each time you both have little misunderstandings, and you think he will change after marriage. Don’t think you can change anybody after marriage. Only God has power to change people. The scripture says Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness and what communion has light with darkness?. God’s word is superior to your emotion or knowledge, you can’t be wiser than the only wise God.


Don’t assume that you can change a person after you’re married to them. There is no guarantee, after all, that those changes will be for the better. In fact, it’s often for the worse in some cases.

I want to get married because all my friends are married. And so any man or woman that comes my way i will marry him or her. Listen to me is not every man or woman that is a husband or wife, don't jump into marriage because if you do, you we equally jump out.

Stop comparing your self with others, because if you do, you stop being original, you become a photocopy.

Wait for your time, because God's timing is the best. He that will come will come, he will not tarry, she that will come will come, she will not tarry the vision is for the appointed time wait for it, it will surely come.

Some that got married in a hurry are full of regret today and they want to come out. It doesn't matter how far but how well.


Lastly, don't get married because of infatuation, lust, money, family pressure and more.
before settling down for marriage pray and let God lead you through.

Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3.