23,249,425 Digit Prime Number Discovered! WOW! I use to hunt Sierpinski primes so I find this amazing!!!

in #math7 years ago

The figure is calculated by multiplying 2 by itself 77,232,917 times and then subtracting 1...

Announced on January 3, the number is almost a million digits longer than the last record-breaking prime.

This just keeps going people, just in case you were wondering. It doesn't ever stop...

I still find things like the remaining Sierpinski primes to be more significant than this however...

I postulate that at some unknown level there are tiers or magnitude orders where numbers sort of reset to 1 as far as finding primes go. We haven't discovered the formula yet, but I think there is one. Where you basically reset the entire number system at a certain calculated point and then all the known primes just repeat based on a fractal pattern.... I can promise you this will be discovered to be truth one day...


Very Cool!

I just found a graph comparing the prime numbers length (in terms of digits) to when we discovered them!

Work Cited:

nice, very cool and shocking quite frankly. Imagine once AI gets more developed. I suspect we will start cranking out primes that are so massively large that it will boggle the mind... literally... beyond billions and trillions, way beyond...