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This election will be THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN HISTORY because of the possibly catastrophic implications of voting badly in the presidential election of 2024. The United States of America runs the risk of becoming a totalitarian dystopia in which the minds of its population are influenced by propaganda aimed to turn them into mindless cogs in an imperial machine. This might happen if the government continues its current course of action.

Some of the electorate is receiving indoctrination to make them fearful of a probable fascist takeover of the government.The opposing side is currently being indoctrinated to believe that a communist revolt is on the horizon.

Both camps are being conditioned to disregard the reality that the oligarchic totalitarian takeover has already taken place in order to get them ready for the impending dictatorship that will be led by oligarchies.

When there is a major crisis on the international stage, there are three things that can always be relied upon:

  1. The Western Empire will be involved at first, and it will be on the losing side.

  2. The argument that the Empire is right will be vigorously defended by Western media sources.

  3. "I don't think you get it!" The people from the West are known to holler. Now, in this particular instance, we're on the side of what's right!

The conflict in Ukraine is a frequent topic of conversation in the United States and its allies, but it is absurd to represent this as "supporting Russia." Recognizing that U.S. imperialism sparked and fueled this crisis to advance its own interests is not the same as siding with Russia. You may hate Putin as much as you like, but you can't deny these indisputable facts. Only in order to stifle criticism of our own authority would anybody try to recast the acknowledgment of obvious truths as malign support for a foreign dictatorship.

Anyone who uses the term "Putin apologist" is, by definition, defending US imperialism. While I do my best to disprove this assertion, I also think it's important to point out that such accusations are almost never made against those who have an optimistic view of Russia, but rather against those who are critical of US foreign policy. It is not those who cheer for Russia and support Putin who are most commonly accused of being loyal to the Kremlin, but rather those who oppose the crimes of US imperialism. A deep devotion to the Empire is required to account for such conduct.

individuals that want you to share their beliefs on politics, religion, entertainment, and everything else are some of the most poisonous and challenging individuals to be friends with. They also present some of the greatest opportunities. This is the manner in which a large empire would behave, the likes of which already rule over us.

All of the characteristics of a pathological narcissist may be found in the United States empire. It considers other people to be things that can be used rather than live beings that can be connected with; it utilizes language to control and manipulate rather than to share and learn; and it brands as an enemy anybody who does not prioritize their own requirements.

During the 2000s, the United States' foreign policy centered on the covert and massive ground invasions that it conducted in Iraq and Afghanistan. During the 2010s, there was a shift in emphasis toward arming proxies in several countries, including Yemen, Libya, and Syria. Massive proxy battles on the borders of its two most dangerous adversaries, Ukraine and Taiwan, have been pushed out until the 2020s.

With each adjustment, it becomes progressively more difficult to see the heinous nature of the empire. It has grown increasingly cunning about its murderousness in order to maintain its backing from the world community and suppress antiwar sentiment. When it comprised entirely of Bush-style "smash and grab" land attacks, this was an easy task to do.

Individuals are becoming more and further behind as the underhanded attempts to undermine peace initiatives get increasingly sophisticated. A significant number of Americans who opposed President Bush's strong approach to international policy now back the US proxy warriors who are stirring up trouble with Russia and China. It is imperative that steps be taken to stop individuals from being led astray by those who engage in manipulative behavior.

Imperial information control primarily relies on two methods: concealment and manipulation.

• Due to official secrecy, the populace is kept in the dark about the evil doings of the empire.
• Public opinion on obvious problems is managed by a combination of censorship and promotion.

The categorization and opacity of government, as well as the brutal punishment of whistleblowers and journalists who break it, are examples of how imperial secrecy expresses itself. The imperial arsenal includes propaganda, censorship, algorithm manipulation in Silicon Valley, and media blackouts.

In spite of the fact that they play an essential part in removing barriers to secrecy, whistleblowers, leak publishers, and investigative journalists confront an uphill battle to attract the attention of the public and inspire critical thought.

The finest thing about the second dispute is that everyone may participate in. While not everyone can be a whistleblower, leak publisher, or investigative journalist with a blockbuster scoop, everyone can assist fight imperial information manipulation by spreading the truth. Spread the word about public records that reveal our leaders' malfeasance. You may share it online and offline. Cold facts and persuasive arguments can stop manipulation.

I'm most effective there at this time in the war. Though I admire individuals who spend weeks digging up dirt and interviewing insiders and reading through FOIA papers, I have a knack with words that help the public grasp what's already public.

People have been conditioned not to look too closely at the depravity of the empire and have been acclimated to it their whole lives, making it difficult for them to recognize it. They can be encouraged to view things from a different perspective.

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