Consuming processed meats could cause this dangerous mental illness

in #meat6 years ago

Scientists from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (USA) point out that the chemical substances used in the manufacture of processed meat products such as sausages and salami increase the risk of suffering the so-called manic episode. The results of the research were published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.


The observation of 1,101 people without mental disorders between the ages of 18 and 65 between 2007 and 2017 could demonstrate that patients suffering from manic episodes-which are characterized by symptoms such as hyperactivity, insomnia and euphoria-consumed 3.5 Sometimes more processed meat products than those without that psychiatric illness.

On the other hand, the experimentation with mice showed that the supply over the course of two weeks of nitrates - substances used for the preservation of processed meats - caused in rodents the hyperactivity proper to the manic episode.

In turn, mice with nitrate in their diet had different bacterial patterns in their intestines and differences in multiple molecular pathways in the brain associated with bipolar disorder.