Mass Media's Greatest Hits.

in #media8 years ago

What Mass Media Has Been Successful At in Recent Years (a limited analysis):
-Reducing the Anti-War Movement of the 60s to "Dirty Hippies", Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll.
-Simplifying the Independent Black Film Maker Movement of the 70s by tagging it "Blaxsploitation" and offering only the images of dirty cops, drug kingpins, and pimps that arose as examples of progress.
-Controlling what is seen and heard of Hip Hop culture (which includes Deejayin, Breakin, Graffitti Art, Emceein, Beatboxin, and more) to the point where we only recognize it as Drug, or Sexual, Rap, Push-Button DJs, and Simple Dance Crazes anyone could imitate, and therefore exploit.
-Destroying the "audacity" of Objective Journalism and reduced the "News" to political and corporate mouthpieces who take full advantage of primitive fears, as well as fears they have forged themselves for manipulative purposes, and dare not to speak outside of agreed upon talking points (those who do are simply dismissed and/or reputation destroyed).
-Fueling (and creating) any and all conflicts between the people of this country to ensure we never realize our purpose as "United" States of America.
-Not allowing true analysis of reasons why millions of lives are destroyed, here and abroad, as well as land, water, and air, in the name of America Empire and the FREE Market Economy (which encourages SLAVE Labor).
-Praising the lack of virtue of Celebrities while downplaying true virtue and morality.
-Allowing Scientific Advertising to manipulate emotion and utililize textbook Hypnosis Techniques to control HOW and WHAT we think.
-Eliminating the coverage of Protest Movements across the country. And if covered, it is ensured said protesters are "rioters", "looters", and "trouble makers" only concerned with violence and the destruction of their communities.
-Backing Imperialism in every conflict.
-Supporting Big Pharma in the name of profit while dubbing our only means of obtaining and/or sustaining Physical, Spiritual, and Mental Wellness as Alternative Medicine and New Age Bullshit.
... and we LOVE IT!!!