Medibloc - Your Medical Records Hold Value

in #medibloc6 years ago (edited)

Your Medical Record is Valuable

We all have a medical record. Government's hold all sorts of information about our medical history. Our data is centralised and we often have no control over where it goes, what it is used for, and who sees it.

But these medical records have real value - to researchers, medical practitioners, insurers and pharmaceutical companies.

Now given your medical record is entirely about you - why are you the only person that doesn't get value out of it? Or failing that, why don't you at least have some control over it?

It's Your Medical Record - Why Shouldn't you get Value out of it? Or have Control over it?

This is where Medibloc comes in. Your medical records, history and health data can now be available on the blockchain, for you to share with who you want, for your benefit. You can share it with medical practitioners, insurers or even researchers: the choice is yours - based on what they can offer you.

Why are Medical Records Valuable?

Medical Practitioners Are Expensive

Lets talk brass tax. Money not spent, is money earned.

I personally have been to the Doctor multiple times for the same thing because they didn't know my medical history, or in some cases I was just helping them ride the money train.

The reason for this is that in most developed countries, we have a 'Fee For Service' model of healthcare. What this means is that the more 'things' Doctors do to you - the more they can charge and the more money they can make. This encourages overservicing, which essentially means you'll get a whole bunch of extras that you might not need.

Doctor: Got a test done but it was in another clinic? Oh well we need to do it again! Need a prescription but can't remember its name? Well we'll need to try a few alternatives!

On top of this, you can't do anything to address the gaps that might exist in your records. You don't know what medical records one Doctors has, what they need, and what will help both of you get to the best medical outcome for your benefit (in the shortest, and least expensive, way possible). If you've ever moved towns and started seeing a new Doctor, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Even Doctors Love Crypto - Soon They'll Love the Data on Medibloc!

Health Insurers - Drop Your Premiums

Imagine you're in a country with an open market health insurance system. Now in a fair insurance system you would ideally want your insurer to reduce the cost of their insurance because you've kicked bad habits and started exercising. In fact, lets pretend you're overweight but have lost 10kg/pounds.

Now (local regulations allowing) your insurer might actually be able to reduce your insurance premiums because of Medibloc.

Your Doctor can state, through Medibloc, that yes you have in fact lost the weight, your blood pressure is better and your overall health has improved significantly. In a traditional insurance sense, you are a lower risk to insure, and you could argue for a lower insurance premium.

Your insurer might even want to encourage your healthy lifestyle changes, and offer preventative healthcare options like a discounted gym membership. This would be possible because the Medibloc health blockchain is accurate, transparent and easily shared.

Looking Good: Lose weight - Get Paid

Researchers - Show me the Money

What do researchers love? Data, data, data. Data of any sort can, and usually does, have value.

At an aggregate level, your medical records can be used to inform research into new drugs and pharmaceuticals. These drug companies aren't charities, and you should be paid for any medical information you provide. That will be possible through Medibloc.

Now you might be comfortable sharing parts of your medical history, but not all of it. And that's completely fine. With Medibloc, you can choose what exactly you want to share with researchers, and what parts are none of their business.

Research Data - Get Paid for your Contribution

Why Do We Need More Control of our Health Data?

Your friendly local Doctor who you see every year can see your medical history. Ok you might think, that isn't a problem. But what about your Doctor's receptionist? Is it their business to know about your funky fungal infection, or perhaps your history of mental health issues?

Or what if your local Doctor is part of a larger clinic - should the clinic's Podiatrist be anywhere near your medical records?

Your files are stored on your Doctor's central database. Do they update their anti-virus software? Do you even know what protections are in place for your private medical data? Did you read the Terms and Conditions of using the clinic's services?

I've even seen Doctors still using paper files - how easy would it be to lose one of those, or get access to those records?

Doctor with Clipboard - Functional, but not so Secure!

Medibloc - Value and Control

Medibloc puts the control of data with you for your benefit. Doctors can get full access to your records, even if you've never seen them before. Researchers can pay you for your data, and insurers can understand your medical history. But ultimately, what you share is up to you.

Watch How Medibloc Works

Already Medibloc has partnered with institutions across the Asian region and has been listed by Forbes as one of the Top Ten Korean startups of 2018.

Medibloc is a serious start up that will give the value of your health information back to you. We all know companies like Facebook and Twitter know the value of your personal information and have been profiting on it for years. By taking back control of your health information that value and power will be redistributed back to you in a way that will also benefit health practitioners, researchers and consumers.

Medibloc - Future of Health Data Sharing

Check out the Medibloc website for more details of how you can be involved in an innovative and expanding industry of healthcare on the blockchain.

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