Sleepy Weepy Tech

in #medical7 years ago

Smart phones.

Smart televisions.

Smart watches.

Smart… pajamas?

Recently, I watched a YouTube video which showcased a “smart jacket” – really just a layered jean jacket with wires in it.

But this right here is the real deal.

Sensors that detect motion and monitor vital signs, wired into the fabric without the use of gels or liquids. Germany’s hospitals will be the first to get the smart sleepwear and I’m pretty hype to see the future of this technology.

IQ has been waiting for his own personal Iron Man suit ever since he sent in those box tops as a kid and it’s high time he received the product!


I’m thinking we can skip the repulsor blasts and start with an Alexa, maybe with some electromagnetic levitation field that makes me either float or stick to metal when I’m walking over it.

Xenoma, take my $$!!!

The Engadget article is linked below, it goes into a little more detail.

On a side note, I wonder how many of these outfits those hospitals have to buy to get them as cheap as <$100?

Welp, if you’ve read this far I’d like to give you some music to listen to on the way out.

Engadget Article