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RE: Arm-Worn Electrical Device Could Treat Migraine as Effectively as Medication

in #medicine8 years ago

Well, I suffer from headaches badly now that debilitate me so that would be helpful for sure. If it worked for me etc as per the other info in here. I don't like putting chemicals into my body.

There was also a gender imbalance with significantly more women (69) than men (17) - this might reduce the validity of the results in men.

  • the study for sure was not balanced and needs 50/50 for men and women, why they would even bother to skew the numbers this way, God knows why

  • do you think women have higher overall pain thresholds, given the whole deal with childbirthing and all that? I have always thought so.


the study for sure was not balanced and needs 50/50 for men and women, why they would even bother to skew the numbers this way, God knows why

I think it may be because more women suffer from migraines although I may be misrembering that.

do you think women have higher overall pain thresholds, given the whole deal with childbirthing and all that? I have always thought so.

I think women complain less for cultural reasons. Genetics and cultural conditioning are more important than gender in this case IMO.