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RE: Arm-Worn Electrical Device Could Treat Migraine as Effectively as Medication

in #medicine8 years ago

Very rarely. She used to have them pretty frequently. Now it is not nearly as often. Years ago she had them easily once a week, and they could be debilitating.

I've only had one in my life that was even close to bad. When parts of my vision disappeared and I was moving an invoice I was reading around so I could see what was under the blank spots in my vision.

I told my wife... she gave me something and said I was having a migraine and it knocked me on my ass. I woke up many hours later groggy but never having experienced the severe pains I see her go through.

She'd had it temporarily paralyze parts of her body, and all sorts of things like that.

I do know trying to keep stress down, and working on not getting as worked up over certain things helps.

Also limiting exposure to things that trigger it like striped, checkered, polka dot clothes, flashing lights like strobe light, sudden flashes of sunlight through the window into her eyes, etc.

These days it is usually getting flashed by bright sunlight reflected off of something that triggers hers.


I've only had one in my life that was even close to bad. When parts of my vision disappeared and I was moving an invoice I was reading around so I could see what was under the blank spots in my vision.

That must be scary if you don't normally get them!

She'd had it temporarily paralyze parts of her body, and all sorts of things like that.

Wow that is pretty bad and worrying too.

These days it is usually getting flashed by bright sunlight reflected off of something that triggers hers.

That happens to me too - particularly if I am driving and the sun is low on the horizon - I think it is a common trigger.

Mine was not scary, because I didn't realize what was going on and it hadn't started hurting yet.

I just told her I had to move an invoice around to read the total because there were like blank spots.

She said I was having a migraine and that stuff usually happens before the pain. She gave me something and it knocked me on my ass.

So I never did feel the pain.

It wasn't that scary. Some of them that have happened to her have been pretty scary. Like I said she doesn't have them nearly as often now.

Mine was not scary, because I didn't realize what was going on and it hadn't started hurting yet.

You are braver than me! I would convince myself it was a retinal detachment or a stroke!

Some of them that have happened to her have been pretty scary. Like I said she doesn't have them nearly as often now.

I think it changes with age - I used to get them a lot more as a kid and a teenager so I wonder if there is some hormonal component.