The Great Medical/Pharmaceutical Conspiracy

in #medicine7 years ago (edited)

Courtesy: The Counterthink Web Page... With much appreciation!

I started to write an article in support of vaccines (just kidding)... In fact, if you happen to own a pharmaceutical company, invest in one or happen to be a corrupt government employee... vaccines are some of the greatest benefits to mankind ever created. But, to put things in their proper context (as the cartoon so eloquently does) it's (the medical/big pharma conspiracy) a principal part of the attack on families across the globe as a brief history of modern medicine will reveal how vaccines are the chemical weapons used in this war.

It's our friends the Rockefellers and friends (Carnegies that we have to thank for the grand medical conspiracy... appropriate considering that John D. Rockefeller's father was himself a snake-oil salesman. What's important to understand from the outset is that the medical profession as we know it today is nothing like the medical profession of days gone by (when curing ailments was still a consideration), but given way to the almighty "financial consideration"... it's all about making money. Like with anything else, if you want to find the root of corruption of any kind- whether medical, pharmaceutical, or anything else- just follow the money. It should be abundantly clear to any thinking person that there's very little to be gained financially from curing disease... the real money is in treatment- the longer and more expensive, the better.

If war is just a racket as Gen. Smedley D. Butler tells us, medicine is an equally profitable one (perhaps even moreso). As the Standard Oil empire grew they found that the byproducts could be used (disposed of) in pharmaceuticals... Pharmaceuticals like any other industry needs an outlet for their products and if they can dispose of their toxic waste at the same time, it simple adds favorably to the bottom line. If they have to grease a few palms to get it done- it's just the cost of doing business... just pass it along to the consumer. When John D. Rockefeller set up the Rockefeller Foundation at the turn of the 20th century it wasn't to benefit humanity as many think, but to exert power and control under the guise of philanthropy.

Around the turn of the century homeopathic medicine was the prevalent way of curing illness. Thanks to the efforts by philanthropists such as Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie it was soon supplanted by allopathic medicine- invasive procedures and the use of often toxic chemicals based on "scientific" methods that often included procedures such as surgery without anesthesia. Although homeopaths used mostly herbs and nutrition based remedies, thanks to the efforts (political payoffs and intimidation) of the "philanthropists," they were soon put out of business. Propaganda was circulated calling them quacks. Rockefeller donated large sums of money to medical schools and paid to influence legislation demanding licensing boards and the AMA (American Medical Assn) was established. The focus shifted away from curing, to treating diseases of all kinds. Remember, the same government that oversees medicine (FDA, CDC, NIH) is the same one taking money from the ones behind the conspiracy making them complicit.

Moreover, given that homeopaths used non-toxic measures in their cures whereas allopaths employed many toxins (often byproducts of the petroleum industry). The impetus behind the Rockefeller Foundation funding medical schools and licensing boards was so they could dispose of toxins in the form of petro-pharmaceuticals. It's what G. Edward Griffin calls "efficient philanthropy" (and the Rockefellers are the masters).

One of the truly ingenious aspects of corporatism is the partnership between government and corporations to solve social problems, such as overpopulation and disposing of toxins from manufacturing like fluoride- all at the same time. By selling fluoride to municipalities, it bolsters the bottom line and disposes of dangerous chemicals (not to mention excess citizens) all in one fell swoop. By putting other toxic byproducts such as mercury, formaldehyde and aluminum in vaccines, it saves the expense of costly hazardous waste disposal... it's not only efficient, it's profitable... not to mention it helps to "cull the herd." And, of course there's a public relations windfall as well.

Foundations such as the Clinton Global Initiative, The Bill & Melinda Gates (with help from Warren Buffet) Foundation and the Clinton Foundation, in addition to those already mentioned have all embraced the entrepreneurial philanthropic model... Yes, they learned well from The Rockefellers and the Carnegies. They have in fact mastered it, buying bogus AIDS and Polio vaccines and selling them to developing nations throughout the "3rd world." This is great PR and it makes donations soar- especially when the same companies that push the toxins own huge shares in the mainstream media companies that laud the philanthropic efforts (while covering up the fact that the vaccines do far more harm than good)... It's a win-win situation for all involved- well almost all involved. When you're a part of the elite, who really cares about a bunch of kids in Africa who can't see anymore because they were poisoned by bogus vaccinations- or for poor kids in America for that matter.

Where vaccines are concerned, it's the government "pushers' forcing them on the unsuspecting public. Where's the public outrage over poisoning our children? In Sheepthink, the people say" "If it were true and that stuff was really bad, the government wouldn't let them do it"... and all the while it's the CDC, FDA and NIH forcing it on us. The government is not only complicit- they are willing participants, beneficiaries in fact. If somehow you don't find this compelling enough- think about this... What about, in addition to forced vaccinations, all of the GMO's in food, BGH's in beef and milk (required by the FDA) antibiotics in ALL meat for consumption... we're being served up a lethal cocktail- all by the best government money can buy. In the immortal words of Victor Lockhart" A politician is only as good as the corporations that pay to get him elected."

GIF by @papa-pepper



Hmm....dunno. If it were just a matter of dollars and cents, the pharmas would deprecate vaccines in favor of pills. Pills are a regular income stream; vaccines less so.

BUT... It isn't just the $$$ it's getting rid of the "great unwashed masses" Remember "Give us your tired hungry masses (we need guinea pigs for medicine trials). It's more difficult to put toxic waste into pills!

It all started with Louis Pasture, who disagreed with his research assistant, because he discovered a "good story" that would make him rich. And so, he turned from the truth and we live a lie that is at the root of medicine.

Do you get rid of the flies or the garbage?

Do mosquitoes make the water stagnant or are mosquitoes attracted to stagnant water?

sad but true....resteemed

Nothing that is supposed to be beneficial to you should ever be forced. Just like the truth should never need laws to protect it. The only way to solve the issue is a separation of corporation and state. No matter how "good" you think your government system is, men with nefarious purposes always find their way into positions of power and will abuse it.

YUP... Like I wrote about Socialism/Communism- If it was such a great idea you wouldn't have to kill people to get them to go for it!

Not to mention, they put all those petroleum byproducts into cosmetics that women “can’t live without.”

I'll tell you a little story... I used to run the killing room at a poultry plant. That don't throw ANYTHING away. It goes into cosmetics, feathers, beaks, feet. In fact Charlie perfume is made from chicken blood. The feathers and stuff they grind up and make makeup (I forget what they call the stuff in compacts for your face.)

Curated for #informationwar by @stevescoins
Relevance: institutional subversion
Our Purpose

this is the problem with government...the bigger it becomes, the more corrupt it becomes.

We can point out corruption in almost every aspect of our lives, and it always goes back to uncontrolled government.

A society that tolerates corruption and evil will end up with a corrupt and evil government.

We have had the advantages of free speech and bearing arms in this country since our inception; what we have lacked recently is knowledge and will.

Look at the bright side... I'll never run out of stuff to write about!

I want to say ROFL...but it's not a laughing matter ;>

and thanks for the donation to @informationwar! pimped your book link in gratitude!

Ever research

ICD-9 codes ?
poison and injury

Well at least they admit it ;)


Too bad this is true. My doctor thinks that big pharma creates a drug and then creates a disease to fit it. Sounds crazy doesn't it?

Be nice if doctor knew the difference between cause and effect.

Great article. My wife and I have never and will never vaccinate our kids. You'll probably love this film if you haven't seen it already.

Toddlers on Amphetamine. It's a lengthy in depth history of Big Pharma.


Unfortunately, doing corruption in Turkey