Connecting With A Group Of Creative Steemians in Vienna At The Popular, Recreational Area Called Wiener Prater
Steemit is a platform where people connect for real and not only virtually. It was just 3 days ago, when I saw the first article about an upcoming "Stammtisch", a meeting arranged for July1st, 2017 by @flurgx, who will probably write his own article about an interesting get-together at the famous Wiener Prater.
I will share some of my snaps I took on my way to a first Austrian meet-up and some information for tourists who would like to visit this charming area.
Praterstern /Subway Stop
Many deja-vu childhood memories were crossing my mind, thinking about the days, when my parents took me to the popular amusement park, called "Wurstelprater" and the smaller section of the recreational area called "Prater".
The name Prater originates from the Latin word Partum=Meadow.
The Giant Wheel, "The Riesenrad", famous due to its appearance in the classic 1949 film 'The Third Man' / Orson Welles.
The enormous wheel turns at a speed of just 75 cm per second. From a height of about 64 meter you have a great view over the Prater. Source
The History of the Vienna Prater from 1766 onwards
1766, Joseph II opened the park for the viennese public, who came for picknicks or relaxing walks through the park area.
During weekends, the Hauptallee was the place to be seen. World War II, bombs destroyed large parts of the area and the Wurstelprater was on fire 1945 but the grounds were rebuilt with the help of private initiatives.
The Prater was once imperial hunting ground and only accessible for the aristocracy, until the Austrian Emperor Josef II donated the area to the Viennese in 1766 as a public leisure center. The Emperor also allowed the establishment of restaurants, a small wonder that it didn’t take long until the precursors of today’s Wurstelprater appeared on the edge of the former aristocratic hunting grounds. Innkeepers, coffee brewers, and gingerbread bakers (Lebzelter) hung out their shingles, seesaws and merry-go-rounds as well as bowling alleys were not far behind. - Source
Hauptallee, Lusthaus with the famous Wachsfiguren Kabinett Madame Tussauds!
Here you can read more about the history.
The Prater Museum, located in the distinctive building of the Planetarium will take every visitor on a charming journey to see curiosities from the past. Beside various photos and paintings, there are also historic merry-go-round figures and an old fortune teller machine as well as wrestlers, midgets and artists sawed in half.
Austrian Steemians Unite!
7 out of the list below attended and we hope for many more in August. Check with @flurgx (to the left) to stay updated.
Join our group "Austria" and keep in touch
@flurgx @nicoletta @artpoet @reconnectnature @geschichten @argekunst @derboersennerd @thomasheindl @mammasitta @jogi @psywalker
Click their links and follow for many creative and interesting articles via my home country.
The final call came in Saturday morning and it was well worth to join in with all Austrian Steemians who made it in time for lunch, where I probably ate the most of my beloved, delicious Austrian dishes, offered at one of the famous restaurants called Luftburg, next to the more well known Schweizer Haus.
What's Better Than A Juicy Wiener Schnitzel?
All others drank the beer :)
Austrian Stammtisch
It was so nice to meet you!!! Smiling faces and lots of Steem to talk about.
Luftburg was the perfect choice for a happy, early afternoon on a gorgeous summer day.
Follow @mammasitta
Join my "mammasittas" channel and @welovesteemit FB group
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Besides the nice words and pics about the get together also thank you for the small history lession about our dear würstelprater.
oh wow... super Artikel @mammasitta!!! DANKE für Eure Hilfe und Erklärungen. Es war ein interessanter und heiterer Nachmittag mit Dir und den Anderen am Steemtisch, freu mich nun umso mehr aufs nächste Mal im August!
Ja ja mir ist es auch so gegangen. Wirklich toller Nachmittag mit Euch. Freue mich auch schon auf das nächste Mal mit einem Millirahmstrudl 🙀
Oh my goodness! @mammasita, Having read your post on the Steemit- Austria hangout you organised, I can only imagine how beautiful it was. In about 2 weeks time, I plan to visit the beautiful city of Vienna. It would be interesting to give you a call or contact you through any other means to let you know that I'm in town. Well done!!!
haha:) sind ja voll die feinen fotos.., kann nur sagen bester stammtisch ever und wunderschöne reise durch den prater!!! alle daumen hoch:D
Super seid ihr Alle! 🇦🇹💫 Und das Photo von Dir ist total gelungen um Deine fröhliche Ausstrahlung zu catchen
es war echt ein super Tag, vielen Dank nochmal an alle ;)
Danke @mammasitta für den super post :)
Bin ich froh dass es DIr auch gefällt . Bis bald !
Klar doch :)
Bis bald! ;)
Ah, damn, I just verpasst this meeting. I'll definitely dazustoßen in August, then :D
I just joined two days ago and will be writing about math, philosophy and science. Looking forward to see your post. More Vienna, please :)
Greating from 1090
Na dann beim nächsten Mal ! 🇦🇹💃 Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute und bitte melde dich wenn Du Hilfe brauchst
Haha, ja zu behaupten das steemit Voting System wäre einfach zu durchschauen würde einem wohl keiner abkaufen ^^
Viel lesen und sich nicht zu viel wundern. Einfach drauf los und an Deine persönliche message konzentrieren. Alles andere ergibt sich von allein. Ja nicht logisch denken hahha
YEEAAHH!! It was nice! The pics are amazing haha
Happy you like it ! Freue mich auf das nächste 💃🇦🇹
Oha,... Steemiphanten im echten Leben :-O
Na was sagt man da dazu ! Steemit verbandelt uns alle irgendwie
in spaßhabende Trunkenbolde!

bring it on are my favourite entertainment :)
verbandelt und verwandelt meinte ich
na dann kommen sie mal in meine Welt :-D
wo ist die ?>
Im Kopf :-D and der 65487987ten Synapse links!
Sehr sehr schön, gut schaut Ihr aus Team Austria!
Na und ob! Das ist gelungen !
Aber hallo, und wie :-)
Richtig schöner Post über den Prater! Soviel habe ich schon davon gehört; dort war ich leider noch nie. Aber ich glaube, dass lässt sich nachholen! Bei so 'nem schönen Post bekommt man ja richtig Lust darauf! 😃
Naaaaa, dann her mit Dir! Ich habe ein Airbnb Zimmer 💃
Cool! Dann kann ich ja das Wohnmobil zuhause lassen! Ich werde es mir merken! Danke! 😃
Na unbedingt mit Helikopter einfliegen hahh
Direkt auf dem Haus? 😃