Meme challenge #70
Hello Memearmy!!

Winners of last Memechallenge
(Judge: @ivan.atman)
First place: @onefatindian

Second place: @turk

Third place: @ijmmai


Congratulations to all the winners!!
NEW Meme challenge
Judge will be @gymbuddy
For this challenge you have to make a meme of this photo:

Winner - 15 $
Second place - 8 $
Third place - 4 $
Mentions - 2 $
- Title of every entry must contain "Meme challenge # - Entry #"
- First tag of post must be #memechallenge
- Your meme must contain text
- You can add/remove something from the original photo but again photo without text isn't a meme
- End of challenge will be on Friday at 12:00 (UTC +1)
- Each user can have up to 2 entries that will be considered in challenge
How to support challenge:
- Vote on this post
- Resteem this post
- Create at least one entry
- If you are interested to be guest judge on next challenge contact me at
- If you have an picture for next meme challenge contact me at or send me on email: [email protected]
- If you have some extra money donate it to make new challenge possible
Big thanks to people who donated for #memechallenge :
@blocktrades, @dumar022 , @papa-pepper , @onceuponatime, @moon32walker, @tmntzara, @the-future , @ned , @ebryans, @fulltimegeek, @karenmckersie, @kus-knee, @inphiknit, @gonzo, @thecryptofiend, @good-karma, @donkeypong, @giftedgaia, @hanshotfirst, @felixxx, @taskmanager, @son-of-satire, @runridefly, @karenb54, @sykochica, @buzzbeergeek, @tincho, @chuckypita, @reseller, @blueorgy, @thedonfreeman, @tamaralovelace, @cosminblaga, @nicolaepavelean, @kingscrown, @antminer, @gymbuddy
#memechallenge has it's room at so feel free to join the room to promote your entries and communicate with other participants. You are all welcome!!

Good luck everyone!
Support #memechallenge with your upvote!
Payout of meme posts are filling memechallenge reward pool!

Greetings from @fibra59

so funny
Greetings, May the best Meme be a winner, Good luck to all participants
Steem ON! :)
Thanks @fibra59

really great sign....hahhahahah
thanks dude :) for your long support
you are welcome
great :)
I should put it on my office door...
hahahhah.....thanks dude :)
Wow, I became 2nd! Thanks a lot @fibra59 and judge!
I started to think about 70th challenge!
Congrats :))

de nada sirvio ya el fraude estaba montado
Greetings, this is my first entry
Hello here is my entry: