If MAGA was the Force...
- The Deep State is the Dark Side.
- MSM is the Empire.
- Soros is Palpatine.
- Mueller is Obi-Wan.
- Comey is Vader.
- Luke is Trump.
- Leia is liberty.
- Hillary is Greedo.
- Sessions is the sax player in the Canteen.
- Trey Gowdy is Admiral Ackbar.
- MAGA is the Force.
- We The People are Han Solo.
- Assange is Chewbacca
- Ron Paul is Yoda
I know all of the evidence doesn't reflect this now. But when this is all over, the memo players will be wrapping up like this list. Keep in mind this prediction includes some assumptions made about the soon-to-be future. One of which involves Mueller, a combat veteran and once and always United States Marine being personally reactivated in a private ceremony with Trump in an effort to bring down a FISC court for political corruption. It also involves General Flynn purposely lying in a private conversation he knew was being recorded for the purposes of evidence discovery. Crazy right? Check out Thomas Wictor on Twitter for more on his clever theory... https://twitter.com/ThomasWictor/status/960032021161549829
Happy Freedom Day!
I am celebrating the exposure of media collusion. The media programming is the biggest threat our country has ever faced and it's a psyop designed to cripple our autonomy. A war on a confederacy of Americans with fifty unique experiments in statehood all sharing a tent under the same bill of rights. This is a war for your mind and your programming. There are certain things you are afraid to say right now that are caused by this programming. Society hides our chains in the guilt and shame it uses to lame us. It's convinced all of us that the people cannot be trusted. It broadcasts violent porn while insisting to be a bastion for our reason. It throws out words like "pussy" and "shithole" and insists we deserve to hear it. It's a negligence in our own autonomy and faith in the community.
The Autonomy in Prejudice
I urge all of you to consider your own intuition. I think a good place to start is with the word prejudice. Prejudice is labeled a bad word by our schools and authority. If you were to ask any public school teacher a question worded like this: "Is prejudice a good thing?" They would immediately shake their head in "no" and display a sign of distaste. I encourage you to try this now. Ask anyone, "Is prejudice a good thing?".
But what is prejudice in its basic definition? It's a word that means to discern, or judge, in advance. Someone is applying stored information to the situation in front of them. That is the precise meaning of prejudice. This act of "prejudice-ing" is more prevalent to our freedom that you might have considered. In fact, prejudice is autonomy.
Remember recognizing the life in an individual ant by testing its autonomy? If you put a twig on the ground, it climbs on top of it. If you hold the stick up, it decides to climb. We see life in these choices because the definition of life is freedom to have our own prejudice.
The attack on our prejudice is an attack on the individual. It's a psyop to convert the self into the group. I don't have to tell you the group has been winning. Donald Trump is the rebel force and champion of our individualism. We are all rebel fighters in the war on information. The media itself is a pyramid conglomerate. Billionaires don't buy media companies to make money. You think a billionaire wants to peddle ads to dying car companies? Media companies are an asset much greater than money. Media is influence and programming. The primary customer to media is the corporate owners. Viewers are not the customer. They are the product.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.