
I flagged, too. But what we need is the bidbot owners removing their rewards. Otherwise it will have no impact.

You can't rely on them to backtrack on their transaction, they would have had to not upvote it in the first place and refund the bid.

Would be nice though, but bad for their business.

Aren't we all responsible for our doings? In my eyes the fact that it's their business doesn't justify they're supporting abuse. Maybe blogging is my business, too, even though I vote manually and don't have a bot that does it on my behalf. Still I curate carefully according to the rules and being aware of the impact.

I don't think it's our job to balance bidbot owners' mistakes. Why do we have to spend our VP in order to flag the spam they upvoted, while they just cash out their SBD and don't care about anything but their own success?

There is a heavy disequilibrium of responsibility. The result is an entrance hall called trending page full of trash. If this was my website, I'd be really concerned.

If the above comment and those in the same vein does not receive Your support, fellow steemian.. I'll be left thinking we need to build the real version of steem from the ground up. I'm shocked at the lack of care on this foundational topic, yet everyone seems so quick to make a grab for perceived currency that hasn't even been generated.. what with such flimsy netting!

Just like you see with the slave money system, it is on us to hold the truth about what steem actually is and what lies and abuse actually are.

Friend, do not hesitate to completely murder every single account that behaves in a capitalist manner.

Immediately let up and support them if they learn how to support themselves first. The initial murder is the support they need to support themselves. It's always been simple and I promise I'm right just do your part and this place will be clean as you created it.

Support artists, the content you love and flag the shit out of all money talk, pool splashing, mindless zombie behavior.

Your opportunity to transcend the prison that is money into freedom derived from true currency is daily eaten by the same lies that created money in the first place. The same people who piss in the money pool are pissing in the shungite Sun sauna we're trying to build as true currency generator for All.

Steem needs to be clean or it's not worth absorbing 💙

thank you for visiting my blog

It could be handled either way. Large stake users can flag it as they have the most to lose.
The bot owners might look around and see they are going to lose support if they don't review how the bots are being used.
Everyone can fight about it, to help find their position, and the voting bots are just "this weeks battle" the trending page was already a joke. Now it is just impacting those who feel entitled to be on it.

I'm glad it's evident now that something needs to be done.

It's not us who have to assume responsibility for the obvious lack of control in vote trading.

Have you seen that not only one bidbot owner has reacted so far? They obviously don't care about anything but their own financial outcome. The trending page is full of trash and spam, and it seems that we all agree that it's great the way it is.

I see the bid bots as the direct result of how the reward pool and the choosen few have managed voting and supporting the community up until now.

I am supportive of the bot owner who is trying to consider the effect his bot is having on the community.

It is absolutely "Us" who have to take responsibility.

I believe everybody is responsible for their own VP, no matter if you are a bidbot owner, investor, developer, curator or content creator. If I mistakenly upvote an abusive piece of content, it's me who has to remove the upvote, independently of the financial consequences.

Obviously bidbots are flourishing due to an imperfect distribution of influence in the eco-system. But that's a different story.

My VP's at 65% now after flagging abusive content several times, while not not only one of those who boosted this abusive content to the top has even considered removing their votes. While we lose power, they cash out their SBD.

To me that's definitely not the way it should be.

I like you, but I have to challenge that...

How many days have you enjoyed full voting power with out flagging anyone? It seems like you were fine with what was on the trending page until recently.
Many were not. It is subjective.
So, finally something you don't like is happening, I think it is fine for you to use your voting power to help correct it.

By the way, this applies to everyone. Not just you.

Good one :-)
You are right, distribution of rewards is subjective. Is abuse subjective, or do we have something like an unwritten law we agree on? I have no idea. I thought we all agreed on not supporting scam, spam, liars, plagiarists, etc. Maybe we didn't agree on that.

I think I have never enjoyed of full VP ever :-) But then it was mostly because I upvoted and not downvoted that much.

I'm off. Enjoyed talking to you! As always :-)

Have a great day! I consider supporting China and friends and family abuse.

I am not angry that not every one agrees.

Enjoy your day, and thank you for the most meaningful conversation I have had on SteemIt today! Cheers.

good conversation.

I am glad if everybody is making profits and good results on my blog and post

I am glad I can read this
this is all posted on my post and my entry blog
thank you for visiting my post

@surfermarly clearly deserves to be on the trending page while mindless bullshit and artificially promoted, manipulative content does not. Do we not see how to fix the entire thing automatically as a way of life?

Imagine the power in...

numbers 👀

Imagine being truly powerful because you are aligned with the truth along with the majority💡

Imagine if as many people that came together to ignore the truth, came together to enforce it. What would the trending page look like if it featured what was truly trending among the people and not what was being artificially programmed by careless capitalists like everything else in the mainstream?

That is the only way the page can look unless we're among a majority of actual breathing zombies. Basic math, @surfermarly for pres!

Talking like a true communist. Aligned with the truth along the majority? You realize that is the narrative used by nazis? To claim to own the truth and use the power of the majority to strike down the minority? Just because there are mostly clueless wannabe communists here doesnt mean thats the best way forward. In fact, its the worst.

that is something the guys in the steemit office have to tell us
but nice comment
thank you

are you participant in #steemitultimatechallenge like me today , I see you on my entry a lot today , you must be

Again, quick to judge...

You can read my response. You assume far too much.

nicely said

thank you for kind words