THE WHEEL OF LIFE-Self Evaluation

The Wheel of Life is commonly used in health and life coaching.

Evaluate each section and rank Level of satisfaction: 10 (fulfilled ) thru 1 (unfulfilled)
Then take a look at it and ask your self.....


How bumpy would the ride be if this were a real wheel?
What are your obstacles?
What do you currently have in your life that supports optimal wellness?
What changes or recommendations do you have for yourself?
How do you define wellness?
Do you see a correlation between the wheel of life results and where you are on the Illness/Wellness Continuum?

I am having to do this for a course I am taking. It is actually difficult because the positive person in me instantly says "I am satisfied with everything" However that is not going to cut it for the paper I am supposed to be writing. I have to dig deeper and really answer myself.

The wheel would look very different if I was to rate each section based on importance in my life. Some of those sections are easy to be satisfied with because it doesn't take much to fulfill.

What do you think about the Wheel of Life?