in #mentor7 years ago (edited)


Who is your mentor? Who do you look up to? What level of mantleship do you crave for? Is it possible to long for 'sonship' tie from a different breed i.e a dog roaring like a lion? Of what appropriate guidance can a footballer mentor a wrestler? Are you an accountant and your mentor a surgeon? To be in this category is to have a mentor without a mantleship.

Some youths presently engage in a path which outcome would be ineffective and unproductive. No doubt, some of us have mentors, we go as far as follow our mentors hook, line and sinker yet we notice that what has produced for them and make them what they are cannot and may not necessarily produce us. This happened not because there cannot be a replication in us but because we chose the wrong 'mentors', we chase after those not heading to our own desired destination and once the foundation is faulty, a lot of things will not just be right.

To deviate a bit (for Christians), Gehazi as a good example who got it wrong. Gehazi is a figure found in the Books of Kings in the Hebrew Bible. As a servant of Elisha he was in a position of power but he was corrupt, and misused his authority and cheated Naaman the Syrian, a leper (Source: Wikipedia).

Rather than crave for Elisha's mantleship, he had a different focus not in tune with his mentor. At the end, the conflict of interest led to his leprosy. To compare it with the relationship between Elijah and Elisha, we get;

"At the end, this was said of their relationship 'the spirit of Elijah is resting on Elisha...'' 2 kings 2:15b

We call them mentors not just because they have teachable/ impartable spirit but because they run with a mantle we need for our accomplishment and in following them we carry out the duplication and multiplication function.

Alway remember that good company make good product. Your mentor must rub off on you. It is only those in pursuit of your like mind purpose that can add value to you. It's not too late to make the right choice. Get a mentor today.

Stop taking care. Start taking charge.


hey buddy! great content you have! Thank you for enhancing this great community! :)

Fetmom - real estate investor and donator!

Great writeup. Educative and in all moral boaster

Thanks! Much appreciated!

Start taking charge... Fuel for Diligent

Real tonic.

Thanks boss!

He who has no mentor is limited in wisdom and understanding

You nailed it bro.


waoo,nice post buddy..keep it up

Keep the fire burning......Nice one

Definitely, we all learn everyday. Gradually, we we understand who we truly are and work on ourselves to be extraordinary