How can I get my own invites Sir=? I am under your invite, but would like to bring a few people in under me with my own invite, possible?
How can I get my own invites Sir=? I am under your invite, but would like to bring a few people in under me with my own invite, possible?
Is your user name kid4life? I can send you a few invites.
Yes it is, that would be awesome man! Thank you!
5 sent.
Wow very cool! Thanks fo0r posting about this @berniesanders I just read parts of the white and blue papers and the website and this seems like a cool idea, tackling centralization, makes sense to have "ambassador forests" to try and keep the coin extremely a decentralized or maybe just as decentralized as possible,m to give it much more decentralized strength than bitcoin... Really cool idea, reminds me of Zcash on steroids or something, i love this idea of extra rules and protocals to actually solve the idea of mining, and not allowing just one big mining pool to control all the mining, I believe this is what this Merit system will allow us, and why not? It is only a matter of time before a system like this can emerge and become extremely decentralized!
Mahh man! Thanks;)
Suck my dick dumb fuck @kid4life it is more awesome then licking gay mothafucker @berniesanders ass ..Lol 🖕😂