Hunting God: A HowTo, Day 21 - My first false gods

in #metaphysics8 years ago (edited)

The first false gods in your life were your parents. Yes, I know that many parents were very good people with good intentions, but consider this. Before you were born you lived in a spiritual sphere where you were one with your soul, which shares a oneness with your true parent, who is God.

Your parents were the first ones who introduced you to a voice outside of yourself that was not God. Parents, even those with the best of intentions, are the first false gods that a person encounters in life.

Why are they false gods?

First because the words they implant in you, though they have some truth, also have numerous errors. Unlike the voice of God that dwells in you, the voice of your parents often leads you away from truth rather than toward it.

In saying this I am not condemning parents in any way. We chose this life to gain experience in a state that is separate from God, and in this separated state, as an infant, we have to be introduced to this world of illusion by those who are already in it. You chose the best possible parents for yourself to become your first outer gods. You thought that their virtues would be helpful, but their errors would be obvious enough to drive you to seek the real truth from the inner God.

We have all noticed that, as children age, they begin to challenge their parents and often instigate an outright rebellion.

One reason for this great questioning and challenging is that we are born with a desire to find the true source within which never fails. Children, who are fresh from the realms of Spirit, sense that the outer voices are not reliable and test them. Children doing this are seen as rebellious and are often punished, but many of them are just trying to find their True Parent and discover what It has to say.

During this stage the child hears many outer voices from friends, teachers, books, movies and famous personalities that drown out the inner voice. After a period of exploration the standard child selects the teachings of the outer gods it will follow. By the time they become adults most are solidified in the world of illusion and fixated on following outer gods rather than the one true God within.

As adults they often realize that their belief system and characteristics are much more like their parents than they imagined they would be during their rebellious period. This is because their rebellion just led them to other false gods that seemed to have more error than their parents, and there was no one to lead them back to their true Source. As adults, seekers just settle on the best that has been presented to them, and much of that generally comes from their parents.

The assignment today focuses on your parents. Contemplate all the things they attempted to instill in you and how much remains. Ask yourself:

How many of my spiritual beliefs are like my parents?

How much is my sense of right and wrong like my parents?

Was my career choice influenced by theirs?

Are my political beliefs similar to them?

Is my diet influenced by them?

Is my attitude toward money and success influenced by them?

Is whether I drink or smoke influenced by them?

Are the friends I select influenced by them?

Am I motivated to be like my parents or perhapsmaybe motivated to be different from them?

Now reflect in your mind on all the things you learned from your parents that you have now concluded are not correct. How did you come to these conclusions? Are you sure your conclusions are in harmony with the Inner Voice?

Next reflect on all the things you have accepted and applied in your life that you learned from your parents. Are you sure you are correct in doing this? After all, they were wrong in some things so maybe you are just extending their mistakes.

End this lesson with this affirmation:

“I will not extend the mistakes of my parents. I will find the truth that will set me free.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

Day 20 - I will replace theory with experience

Day 19 - I am discovering the key to recognizing the true God

Day 18 - I will obey the first commandment

Day 17 - I accept the true God over the false today

Day 16 - I will find the source of guilt

Day 15 - I see a difference between guilt and regret

Day 14 - I will discover the cause of guilt

Day 13 - I will be honest about my feelings

Day 12 - I will let my feelings express themselves

Day 11 - I will communicate my grievances and let them go.

Day 10 - I will change my mind today

Day 9 - The Two Grievances

Day 8 - I will find my grievances

Day 7 - I will examine my feelings today

Day 6 - My feelings hide the light of the soul

Day 5 - I use my feelings; my feelings do not use me

Day 4 - I am not my feelings

Day 3 - I see this world for what it is

Day 2 - I See My Body For What It Is

Day 1 - Who or what am I?

NOTICE: Although posted here with permission of the author, I am not the originator of this content and should the originator eventually see fit to begin posting here, I will leave it to him.