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RE: Top Places To Visit In Mumbai

in #mgsc6 years ago

nice places, never been to mumbai... looking forward towards it.
Is dharavi slum a good place to visit?
Not disrespecting anyone who lives there or works there in different industries but poverty is something i want my hometown not to be famous for, A place should only be considered as tourist place if it shows how great, how beautiful or majestic or sonething related to history is there.
Showcasing that we have low living standard makes tourists feel pity on us as they may think how difficult life is here.
Recently i came to know that there is a master plan going on to convert dharavi a micro and small scale industrial center and i hope so it is implemented soon....

Then we may showcase our creativity and expertize to convert once slum into a world class industrial center with all modern facilities .

hope no body is offended it my thinking ......