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RE: I Have To Burn Down The House

in #mice7 years ago (edited)

I had literally a whole "school" of them 15 years ago in my first house.

It was so dreadful. I remember chasing one in my bathroom and cornering it. I had one of my weights in hand and smashed him with it.

I felt really bad. It was completely different than what I thought I would see.

I was thinking of a rat and an all menacing , nasty creature.

But when I looked at him he was so small and innocent looking. And making this quiet high pitched whimper. But I had to put him out of his misery.

Luckily I only lived in that house for three years.

But I feel your frustration and apprehension. They are slight but still can carry diseases and it's just creepy knowing they are in your house.

Thanks for sharing @whatsup and hope you get it resolved .