Escribo desde diferentes perspectivas

Escribo desde diferentes perspectivas (1).png

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He perdido la noción del tiempo y el espacio, llevo días dando vueltas, lo sé, porque cada vez vuelvo a pasar por el mismo lugar. Tengo miedo, creo que estoy perdida. ¿Será este un buen sitio para un nuevo hogar? Estoy enviando señales que tampoco sé si llegarán, siento que si me detengo enloqueceré, debo seguir andando hasta el final.

Image created by @tezzmax for this learning challenge.


Hace días que en la colonia esperamos noticias tuyas, desde que te fuiste a explorar nuevas tierras estuve pendiente de ti, hasta que perdí la comunicación contigo, sin embargo, hoy recibí una pequeña señal, es muy débil, por eso creo que estás lejos.

Hace mucho tiempo que también estuve extraviada al buscar alimentos y lo que más temía era que me olvidaran, pero al recordar la conexión que nos unía, sabía que me encontrarías y eso me ayudó. Por favor resiste, he salido a buscarte, no te rindas, aunque es tarde y la lluvia juega en contra borrando todo rastro, quiero que sepas que no te abandonaré…

Image created by @tezzmax for this learning challenge.


Aquí yace nuestra hermana, quien se mantuvo firme hasta el final, andando. Nunca se detuvo ni perdió las esperanzas de ver su misión cumplida, nos guio a una nueva tierra, nos dejó un ejemplo de gran valor y gallardía.

Image created by @tezzmax for this learning challenge


Lo más complicado para mí fue crear la historia, tomar en cuenta las imágenes y lo que se quería y crear una historia que tuviera fuerza, entonces pensé en un héroe, alguien que no se rinde. No quería alguien que inspirara lástima sino admiración. Una vez que pude visualizar la historia en mi mente fue fácil para mí escribir las palabras que diría ese héroe y los que le rodean.

Para asegurarme de que estuviera bien escrita y sin cambios bruscos o torpezas la leí varias veces y trate de que tuviera unicidad y continuidad en los tres relatos, el primero desde la posición de la hormiga, el segundo desde la posición de una hermana, alguien cercano, y el tercero como la historia que se narra a la comunidad, el testimonio que queda.

Lo que aprendí es que para mí es más sencillo redactar en la primera y segunda persona, la tercera persona creo que no suelo usarla mucho y estuve pensando que es una voz que se usa mucho en el narrador omnisciente y me gustaría practicarlo más para sentirme más cómoda utilizándola.

Como nota aparte, estuve leyendo un poco sobre las hormigas y cómo funciona su mundo, vale la pena decir que es un mundo fascinante para crear historias.

Para concluir invito a participar a @shohana1, @firyfaiz y @norat23, aquí esta el enlace al curso: Write in micro size 02 | SLC S21W02, conducido por @joslud y @solperez.



I've lost track of time and space, I've been wandering around for days, I know, because every time I pass the same place again and again, I'm afraid, I think I'm lost. I'm scared, I think I'm lost, will this be a good place for a new home? I am sending signals that I don't know if they will arrive, I feel that if I stop I will go crazy, I must keep walking until the end..

Image created by @tezzmax for this learning challenge


It's been days that in the colony we have been waiting for news of you, since you left to explore new lands I have been watching for you, until I lost communication with you, however, today I received a small signal, it is very weak, that's why I think you are far away.

A long time ago I was also lost while searching for food and what I feared most was that you would forget me, but remembering the connection that united us, I knew that you would find me and that helped me. Please resist, I have gone out to look for you, don't give up, although it is late and the rain plays against you, erasing all traces, I want you to know that I will not abandon you....

Image created by @tezzmax for this learning challenge


Here lies our sister, who stood firm to the end, walking. She never stopped or gave up hope of seeing her mission accomplished, she led us to a new land, she left us an example of great courage and gallantry.

Image created by @tezzmax for this learning challenge


The most complicated thing for me was to create the story, to take into account the images and what I wanted and to create a story that had strength, so I thought of a hero, someone who doesn't give up. I didn't want someone who would inspire pity but admiration. Once I could visualize the story in my mind it was easy for me to write the words that hero and those around him would say.

To make sure it was well written and without abrupt changes or awkwardness I read it several times and tried to have uniqueness and continuity in the three stories, the first from the position of the ant, the second from the position of a sister, someone close, and the third as the story that is told to the community, the testimony that remains.

What I learned is that for me it is easier to write in the first and second person, the third person I think I don't use it much and I was thinking that it is a voice that is used a lot in the omniscient narrator and I would like to practice it more to feel more comfortable using it.

As a side note, I was reading a bit about ants and how their world works, it's worth saying that it's a fascinating world to create stories in.

To conclude, I invite the following to participate @shohana1, @firyfaiz and @norat23, here is the link to the course: Write in micro size 02 | SLC S21W02,led by @joslud y @solperez.

Tools used:

Comments: 1, 2, 3, 4


Muchas gracias por leer y comentar.




Hola, @inspiracion

Te comparto un tríptico con tus creaciones. Este formato es para que lo compartas en tus redes.
Revisa si observas algún error que corregir, me lo haces saber.

Te invito a formar parte de este grupo en Facebook donde puedes postearlo tú misma.

Thank you for inviting me to this course. I’m sorry i could not join right after you mentioned me.

Due to certain circumstances, i was “forced” to take a break from Steemit for a while. I’ve just recently returned because my physical and mental condition has started to recover.

For me, writing from a third-person perspective comes more naturally. My bipolar disorder makes me feel like i have an alter ego & i often equate that to a third person.

However, most of what I write from a third-person perspective ends up being unsuitable for publishing because it tends to be filled with negative thoughts. I write those pieces mainly to release emotions, and they’re usually kept private in the notes app on my phone or iPad. Some of them I even delete because they become triggers for behaviors i know i should not engage in.

Since first and second-person perspectives are more commonly used, most of my Steemit posts are written in the first person or the second person.