Write in micro size 04 | SLC S21W04

in #microwrite044 months ago (edited)

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Hello everyone, Microwriters

Welcome to the fourth week of our microfiction writing workshop.

Write in micro size



  • Follow the tag #microwrite04
  • 4 tasks | 2 posts | Comment assertively, leave suggestions and identify the genre of your classmates' stories.
  • New participants are welcome to join, help us promote.
  • Our TOP List of the week.
  • We want your feedback, please complete the activities in this post, if you haven't already:



Let's get started

Objective: Adopt the structure of a micro-story to different literary genres.

  • Create a character profile.
  • Explore your flexibility and versatility in micro storytelling.

Access the theory lessons: -- I explore literary genres in micro-stories


Previous steps: Identify the following elements:

  1. Most comfortable genre: The genre or style in which you feel most confident and comfortable writing.
  2. A genre that attracts you but that you haven't practiced much.
  3. Your least favorite genre.
  4. Check in the comments what character or activity the teachers suggest to you.
  5. Study the evaluation rubrics, there we outline what we want from you and your narrative.

PUBLICATION 1: Task 1 + Task 2

Task 1: Synopsis of the main character. (Find the assigned character in the comments)

  • Study theoretical lesson 2.
  • Investigate how to create a character.
  • From the following list, create a synopsis of the character that was assigned to you in the comments by the teachers. (Remember, concise and direct) See example

AspectsConsider the following:
1. Biography•How has his/her life been so far?
•Cultural context
•Key Background
2. Psychological Profile•Tastes
•Personality, character.
the dark side of him/her.
3. Appearance•Physical attributes
•Others that you consider important
4. His/her search / Motivation•What do his/her want?
•What need does he have?
•What is his/her urgently need to do?
5. Associated characters•Friends, family, pets.
•Enemies. Real or imaginary
  • Save this synopsis to submit with assignment 2.


Task 2: The most comfortable gender

  • Determine the narrative genre that is most comfortable, familiar, or comes naturally to you.
  • Research the characteristics of that particular genre. Briefly explain your choice.
  • Be sure to specify the name of the literary genre you chose for this assignment.
  • Create a micro-story of no more than 150 words within that genre, using the character from task 1 as the protagonist.
  • Use as the protagonist the character you described in task 1.
  • Use a title that captures the essence of the story.
  • Get inspired: look at the examples provided.
  • Use only one image for the cover.
  • Post on your blog or in a community, both in your native language and in English.
  • Surprise us with your reflection: short and concise, focused on what you learned, what was easy, what was difficult.
  • Post Title: My Character in Synopsis
  • Tag @joslud and @solperez .
  • Use the hashtags: #microwrite04 #story #learnwithsteem #shortstory #creativewriting #steemexclusive #country
  • Invite friends to comment on the story and give their opinion on the story.

PUBLICATION 2: Task 3 + Task 4

Task 3: The genre that attracts you, but you haven't practiced much

  • Determine the genre you will use for this task.
  • Be sure to specify the name of the literary genre you chose for this assignment.
  • Research the characteristics of that particular genre. Briefly explain your choice.
  • Create a micro-story of no more than 150 words within that genre, using the character from task 1 as the protagonist.
  • Use as the protagonist the character you described in task 1.
  • Use a title that captures the essence of the story.
  • Surprise us with your reflection: short and concise, focused on what you learned, what was easy, what was difficult.
  • Save this story to submit with task 4.


Task 4. The least favorite gender.

  • Determine the genre you will use for this task.
  • Be sure to specify the name of the literary genre you chose for this assignment.
  • Research the characteristics of that particular genre. Briefly explain your choice.
  • Create a micro-story of no more than 150 words within that genre, using the character from task 1 as the protagonist.
  • Use as the protagonist the character you described in task 1.
  • Use a title that captures the essence of the story.
  • Use only one image for the cover.
  • Surprise us with your reflection: short and concise, focused on what you learned, what was easy, what was difficult.
  • Post on your blog or in a community, both in your native language and in English.
  • Post title: I write in different genres.
  • Tag @joslud and @solperez .
  • Use the hashtags: #microwrite04 #story #learnwithsteem #shortstory #creativewriting #steemexclusive #country
  • Invite friends to comment on the story and give their opinion on the story.
  • Comment on at least 4 posts in a respectful and assertive manner, leaving suggestions and identifying the genre of your classmates' stories. Ask questions?


Remember: we've reached the halfway point of the challenge, we're starting to explore the boundaries of micro fiction.

Evaluation rubrics: Total 10 points.
Task 1: 2 points
Tasks 2,3 & 4: 6 points.
Comment: 2 pt.

Task 1. Checklist

Legend: TOTAL task 1: 2 pts

  • Definitely (0.2 pt) --- Pretty close (0.1 to 0.19 pts) --- Improvement. (0.001 to 0.09pts)


•a. Every aspect of the synopsis is present. (0.2 pts )
•b. Every aspect of the synopsis displays concise, direct language and is to the point. (0.2 pts )
•c. Excellent spelling and grammar throughout the text. (0.2 pts )


•e. The character is described in full, we get a clear image of him. (0.2 pts )
•f. We easily understand his previous history and how it influences him now. (0.2 pts )
•g. We clearly understand your aspirations, what motivates you, what you seek in life. (0.2 pts )
•h. We understand their ways of relating to others: friends and enemies, if they have any. (0.2 pts )


  • i. Goes beyond what is requested, including an analysis of your creative process. (0.2 pts )
  • j. It is acknowledged that he carefully researched and prepared the character (0.2 pts )
  • k. Reflections, short, concise, forceful. (0.2 pts )

Checklist for tasks 2, 3 & 4 will be the same


•Definitely (0.2 pts ) --- Very close (0.1 to 0.19 pts ) --- Can be improved. (0.001 to 0.09 pts)


•a. The micro-story complies with the established word limit. It includes the title. (0.2 pts )
•b. Short title (less than 7 words) (0.2 pts )
•c. The entire story is concise and direct, adapting to the chosen genre (0.2 pts)
•d. Excellent spelling and grammar throughout the text. (0.2 pts )


•e. Create an atmosphere that is consistent with the genre, using appropriate language and details. (0.2 pts )
•f. The characteristic elements of the chosen genre are easily recognized . (0.2 pts )
•g. Leave questions unanswered so the reader can continue to reflect on the story. (0.2 pts )
•h. Uses rhetorical figures, metaphors and similes that contribute to the story. (0.2 pts )
•i. It conveys the emotions usually associated with each genre globally or at the end. (0.2 pts )


•j. The title draws attention and makes you want to know more. (0.2 pts )
•k. Find a unique perspective on the chosen genre. (0.2 pts )
•l. Propose new things, get out of your comfort zone. (0.2 pts )
•m. It offers a shocking, unexpected ending or an original perspective. It leaves a lasting impression ( 0.2 pts )


•n. Goes beyond what is requested, including an analysis of your creative process. (0.2 pts )
•o. Concise and direct reflections focused on the learning achieved. (0.2 pts )


  • a. Use the hashtag #microwrite04 and mention the teaching team in all comments (0.3 pts)
  • b. Post at least four links to the comments you make to your classmates. (0.3 pts)
  • c. Comment assertively, leave suggestion. (0.7 pts)
  • d. Identify the genre of your classmates' stories. Asks questions about the post or story (0,7 pts)



Original production by @joslud

I'll wait for you in the next publication.

Posted using SteemPro



For Task 1
Find the character, we suggest for the synopsis.
Ask if you have any questions.
Sería interesante rescatar al personaje de la madre amorosa-pragmática, que le da la vuelta a toda situación negativa.
Serie: Las Historias de (ponle nombre)
Crea un perfil para las “Sayona de este siglo”, con los tipos que has mencionado y nuevos que se te ocurran.
Serie: Cada relato protagonizado por una sayona distinta.
La reina madre y su estilo despreocupado ahora con ese poder de acción que le diste esta semana. Conviértela en humana.
Serie: Consejos de la Reina Madre.
El fantasma del sacerdote del pozo. Busca responder ¿sí él es el asesino? ¿Quién lo asesinó?
Serie: El fantasma del pozo.
Elige uno o los dos:
La mujer árbol y su nueva vida.
El hijo de la mujer árbol. ¿Qué pasará con él ahora?
Work with that new Timun Mas, intelligent and empowered by her destiny.
Focus on her magic and on the golden color.
You have the Amobi profile.
Series: Amobi's Dreams, (fanciful dreams, nightmares, prophetic dreams, a dream in each story)
The sybarite drone, with his “live life”. Turn them into humans.
Series: Drone Stories, each story a drone.
An updated version of Anakarli for today.
Series: Anakarli's advice for girls in love.
Or a different topic you want to develop.
Do you think Roro Jonggrang can return to his human form? Create a series where that happens and he ends up loving or taking revenge on Bandung Bondowoso.
Introduce us to a character of your own creation.
¿Crees que pueda tener redención el tirano Aguirre?
Serie: Redención para el tirano. ¿Qué pudo haber pasado en su vida, después de matar a su hija, que le abrió la redención?
O propón un tema. Espero leerte esta semana.
Corrección: sigue trabajando en el hormiguero, con la "hormiga malvada" cuéntanos su historia y que la llevo a traicionar a la otra reina.
Kariley y su habilidad para comunicarse con animales y plantas. Dale un toque ecologista.
Give us three perspectives from three narrative genres of "Synopsis Veronika". Welcome to this learning workshop.
Hay un personaje que me gustaría conocer: El Cazador Recolector que enseña a los más jóvenes. Puedes seguir trabajando en el hormiguero, quiero decir déjalo como hormiga por un rato.
¿Es el "silbador"?, ¿o quién?
The empowered queen tale´s, very clear about her place and that of her drones.
¿Eres nuevo participante? Aún no apareces en este listado.
Solo dinos, "Yo quiero participar"
Are you a new participant? You don't appear on this list yet.
Just tell us, "I want to participate"

Saludos y gracias, voy con calma 😊😊

Seguro, @leigth

Amiga, ve a tu ritmo, pero sin dejar de escribir. Escribe lo que puedas. Espero leerte esta semana.

Saludos profe, claro comencé estos desafíos lo pienso terminar, estoy segura que algun conocimiento me va a quedar de ellos, gracias por sus palabras de incentivo , bendiciones

Baik, instruksi diterima.

An updated version of Anakarli for today.
Series: Anakarli's advice for girls in love.

I like the idea! Let's go with this one ;)

Si no aparezco en la lista no participo, cierto?


@norat23 esto también va para ti:

¿Eres nuevo participante? Aún no apareces en este listado.
Solo dinos, "Yo quiero participar"

Solo di quiero participar 💪💪

¡Holaaa amigo!🤗

Por acá te comparto mi participación de la tarea 1 y 2: https://steemit.com/microwrite04/@paholags/mi-personaje-en-la-sinopsis

Participación de la tarea 3 y 4: https://steemit.com/microwrite04/@paholags/escribo-en-diferentes-generos

Why do I have this feeling you have a Phd in English and literature… because you really know this stuff so well…😊😊

Hi, @sbamsoneu

😳 Well, I speak Spanish, I understand English quite well, I've lost practice to speak it fluently.

In literature, I am rather an amateur self-taught. I have been studying micro-stories since 2018, thanks to the Steemit contests.

Yes, I have training in designing virtual learning experiences, and as a Master Trainner in Neurolinguistic Programming.

My skills are that I like to read a lot, research and learn about a topic. And my ability to connect with the stories I read.

Thanks anyway for thinking about it.

Wah, pembelajaran ini semakin menantang 💪🏽

Saludos 🙋🏽‍♀️

Encuentro una indicación contradictoria que me confunde.


¿Me ayudan por favor a entender y poder avanzar?


Hola, amiga...

El primero es el título del relato que crearás con el personaje de la sinopsis (el del cuento).

El segundo es el título de la publicación que contiene la tarea 1 y 2.

Gracias amigo por aclarar.

Asi mismo es

  1. Use a title that captures the essence of the story.
    Este para el relato

  2. Post Title: My Character in Synopsis
    Este para toda la publicación

Cc. @lunasilver

Gracias 😁

Quería estar segura de lo que entendí. 👍

Saludos puedo participar?

Hola @fannyescobar

Amiga, eso no se pregunta.
Solo di en recio llanero:
¡Voy a participar!
Claro que sí, bienvenida.
¡Eliges tu el personaje o te lo proponemos?

Gracias..🥳 yo estuve trabajando con el Juan Hilario. No se si puede basado en ese?

Si me preguntas, me gustaría más conocer del "hombre, ensombreao, extraordinariamente alto..." que le dio esa paliza...
¿Era un espectro, o un novio, o marido celoso?

¿Sería interesante descubrirlo?, en unos tres o cuatro relatos?

Decídelo tú.

Gracias. Gracias... muy bien.

Hola amigos, un gusto saludarlos, acá les dejo mis tareas 1 y 2:

Saludos, les deseo mucho éxito.


You have the Amobi profile.
Series: Amobi's Dreams, (fanciful dreams, nightmares, prophetic dreams, a dream in each story)

I don’t get this part… should my focus be on Amobi’s dreams For task 2??


Dear @sbamsoneu

That's right, my friend, I think it would be the best challenge for you. Giving voice to the dreams of Amobi.

The character of Amobi and his dreams in tasks 1, 2, 3, 4