Write in micro size 06 | SLC S21W06

in #microwrite0618 days ago (edited)


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Hello everyone, Microwriters

Dear #microwriters, the time has come to end our journey into micro-story writing. Over the past few weeks we have explored techniques, experimented with different tasks and styles, and above all, we have enjoyed the pleasure of creating short and powerful stories.

Write in micro size

Final stop of the journey

To celebrate our achievements, we propose three tasks that will allow you to reflect on your learning throughout the “write in micro size” Short Narrative Workshop


  • Follow the tag #microwrite06
  • 3 tasks | 2 posts | Comment: leave messages of congratulations to your colleagues.


Let's get started

Final stop of the journey

Objectives: Condense your journey as a microwriter during the six weeks of the workshop into a post.

  • Reflect on your learning by evaluating yourself and the course and the teachers.

Access the theory lessons 06: -- Final Resume lesson SLC S21 W06


My Portfolio as a Microwriter

Contains task 1.

Task 1: Create your portfolio of micro stories

  • Collect all your stories: Gather all the micro stories (Images) that you have written during the course.
  • Design your portfolio in a publication, including:
    • Enter your name or pseudonym as you wish to appear on the diploma.
    • Review as a writer: include a review that defines you as a writer venturing into short literature.
    • Reflection on your learning in general and for each week: Write a concise review where you explain what you learned during the workshop and how your style as a writer evolved each week. When you started, got on, got off, or went through all the stops on the trip. What did you learn at each one?
    • Include the links to each post you made for the workshop.
    • You can include some funny or significant anecdote related to writing micro stories.
  • Publish on your blog or in a community, both in your native language and in English.
  • Post title: My Portfolio as a Microwriter
  • Tag @joslud and @solperez
  • Use the hashtags: #microwrite06 #learnwithsteem #story #shortstory #creativewriting #steemexclusive #country


Reflection on the workshop: "write in micro size"

Contains tasks 2 & 3.

Task 2: Reflect on your experience in the workshop. 4.0 pts.

Self-assessment, workshop evaluation, and recommendations

Use the following questions as guides to present your self-assessment:

  • 1- What aspects of writing microfiction did you find challenging at the beginning of the workshop and how did you overcome them?

  • 2- What new knowledge, tools, or techniques did you learn during the workshop that you can apply to your stories?

  • 3- How has your motivation to write and your writing style evolved throughout the workshop?

  • 4- What aspects of the course did you find most useful and why?

  • 5- What aspects of the course do you think could be improved? What suggestions do you have for future editions? Suggest three ideas to improve the workshop in future editions.

  • 6- Evaluate the teachers: Provide constructive feedback on the teachers' work. At least three.

  • 7-. Recommend the workshop: Write a text of less than 50 words where you invite others to participate in the workshop and explain why you recommend it.

  • Save your answers to publish with task 3.

Task 3: One last train ride. 2.0 pts

  • Write a farewell micro-story:
    • Imagine that each lesson in the workshop was a station on a train ride.
    • Write a micro-story where you use this metaphor to tell a story about your experience in the course and your expectations as a micro-writer.
    • Maximum 150 words.
  • Publish tasks 2 and 3 on your blog or in a community, both in your native language and in English.
  • Title of the post: Reflection on the workshop: "write in micro size"
  • Tag @joslud and @solperez
  • Use the hashtags: #microwrite06 #learnwithsteem #story #shortstory #creativewriting #steemexclusive #country

Remember: HAVE FUN

Evaluation rubrics: Total 10 points.
Task 1: 3,0 points
Task 2: 4,0 pts
Task 3: 2,0 pts.
Comment: 1,0 pt.

Task 1: My portfolio as a microwriter. 3. pts

  • Mention your name or pseudonym (0,2 pts).
  • Write a review of yourself (0.4 pts).
  • Concise review of your experience during each week in which you participated. (1.0 pts)
  • Include an anecdote (0.5 pts).
  • Images of your micro-stories (0,3 pts)
  • Links to your publications (0,2 pts)
  • Overall evaluation of the teacher (0,4 pts).

Task 2: Reflect on your workshop experience. 4. pts

  • Answer the first 5 evaluation questions, globally or one at a time, focusing on your learning, accomplishments, or how you overcame difficulties.(1.5 pts)
  • At least three recommendations given in terms of improvements to the workshop. Global approach (1.5 pts)
  • Presents some criticism, in a sustained manner, looking for improvements (0.5 pts).
  • Present a recommendation of the workshop (0.5 pts).

Task 3: One last train ride (2 pts)

  • Maintains the worked micro-story format: less than 150 words. Title complements the, conciseness, final twist. (1.0 pts)
  • Teacher's overall rating (1.0 pts).

Comments. 1 pt

  • At least 4 congratulatory comments to other classmates. (1,0 pts)



Original production by @joslud

I'll wait for you in the next publication.

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