
in #miketyson4 months ago

Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul, guy wore a hat saying make America healthy again, Trump and RFK Jr were there in spirit but where was Joe Rogan or Alex Jones? Was Mike Tyson holding back choosing not to go all out on Jake Paul? 226/ People like to make fun of my rants, lolcow troll haters join my Oatmeal World Discord Server chat group to mock me spamming Oatmeal Fake News lies and deception and defamation which these demons been dissing out all over the Internet webs since at least 2009 or much longer. 227/ Too many haters party in my server with what must be an intention to scare away new people, these haters know next to nothing about me and chooses not to actually research me beyond surface level out of context fake news at the tip of the iceberg lacking the entire story.

Did the Democrats spend 2 billion dollars just for Kamala Harris to lose to Trump, Lindy Li said she has some common ground with the MAGA right but is also concerned with the environment. 231/ I've worked since the 1900s as documented online but regardless of how many jobs I've had for decades, Lolcow Trolls will continue spamming that I don't make money in careers teaching English and other occupations ongoing as I've already mentioned on many websites for years.

Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul; Cobra Kai; Tomatoes. Rain. Kitchen closet clean; Videos: RV videos: part 2 of season 6 of Cobra Kai mentioned video, I was told I was not crying when I was born video. TikTok videos singing don't join my Discord Server; Watched: Cobra Kai 608-610, Mad Dog - Full Fights: Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyso, Cobra Cast 199 - President Trump DESTROYS The Democrats and The Media, Piers Morgan Uncensored - 3.5M subscribers - “You’re SUCH a Smug PR*CK!” Dave Rubin vs David Pakman & More


Screenshot at 2024-11-16 23-02-45.png
Tomi Lahren on Piers Morgan

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-11-16 - Saturday | Published in November of 2024


Discord Screenshot at 2024-09-01 00-04-34.png
Join My Discord Server

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Discord Drama

2024-11-16 - Saturday - 12:46 PM - Discord Log

226/ People like to make fun of my rants, lolcow troll haters join my Oatmeal World Discord Server chat group to mock me spamming Oatmeal Fake News lies and deception and defamation which these demons been dissing out all over the Internet webs since at least 2009 or much longer. 227/ Too many haters party in my server with what must be an intention to scare away new people, these haters know next to nothing about me and chooses not to actually research me beyond surface level out of context fake news at the tip of the iceberg lacking the entire story.

03:36 PM
Fake Oatmeals are people who say they are my fans but they tend to spam Oatmeal Fake News about me online for years, these Lolcow-Trolls pretend to know everything about me but really only know surface-level out of context screenshots and shadows or bits and pieces of my life. I've been uploading videos to the Internet since roughly 2004 and I think I started seeing trolls go at me especially since like 2009. 06:35 PM: 228/ Alliana said don't say slurs unless if you have the right to but that line of thinking is not logical because it doesn't address intent which isn't merely determined by who says what because there is more to it than just the typical N-Word Pass Mentality that people have. 229/ Rules for my Oatmeal World Discord Server chat group were posted many times many places on the Internet in my daily blog and in Discord channels and videos and on Twitter X and many different websites and apps since like 2019 or longer all over the Internet with many links. 11:38 PM: 230/ I stopped chatting with people in general chat in my Discord Server back in October of 2024, I'd return if the server ever becomes independent in an ability to grow organically each day on its own which currently it isn't doing so much yet. 231/ I've worked since the 1900s as documented online but regardless of how many jobs I've had for decades, Lolcow Trolls will continue spamming that I don't make money in careers teaching English and other occupations ongoing as I've already mentioned on many websites for years.

Twitter Tweets

11:38 AM

Alex Jones said after taking out Mike Tyson that Jake Paul will take on Jimmy Carter.

12:07 PM
Did the Democrats spend 2 billion dollars just for Kamala Harris to lose to Trump, Lindy Li said she has some common ground with the MAGA right but is also concerned with the environment.

03:04 PM
two million people are watching the Alex Jones video livestream on Twitter X in the old studio that @TheOnion said they bought but they didn't, Elon Musk and Trump are watching as globalists try to take down Infowars and then everybody if they can.

03:20 PM
Elon Musk filed as @TheOnion fake-bought Alex Jones, @NBCNews reports, @nbc helped @TeamYouTube illegally suspend my channel off @YouTube in 2017 and @YouTube have been ghosting me since, the @YouTubeCreators staff refused to look at my appeals as I didn't violate their rules

06:52 PM
Fiona Apple is part you, Florida Shadow Phoenix Girl, and my favorite song of hers is Criminal

06:55 PM
I felt like the fight was like scripted like wrestling is as I was watching it because Mike Tyson didn't attack in any of the 8 rounds

11:20 PM
YouTube said they would email me in "2 business days" about my appeal and that was months ago, I've been waiting for months for Google to email me at [email protected]. Matt Gaetz should go after YouTube for suspending me, I didn't violate community guidelines, I didn't have 3 strikes, I wasn't told which videos violated their rules if any, Google never emailed me to respond to my appeal, been waiting months, tell Trump & Elon Musk.

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg
My Adventure in Vietnam

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Cobra Kai 608-610

2024-11-16 - Saturday - 02:24 AM - Cobra Kai 608-610

Brought back Terry in 608. We learn Miyagi killed someone in 609. Bunch of fighting in 610 ending in probable death or stabbing. Each episode builds and gets more intense with all of the different relationships and conflicts and interactions.

10:52 AM
PierreHusser - マイク・タイソン vs ジェイク・ポール Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul Full Fight 2024

11:17 AM
Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul, guy wore a hat saying make America healthy again, Trump and RFK Jr were there in spirit but where was Joe Rogan or Alex Jones? Was Mike Tyson holding back choosing not to go all out on Jake Paul?

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. Bed 05:05 AM. I got up at 10:30 AM. RV videos: part 2 of season 6 of Cobra Kai mentioned video, I was told I was not crying when I was born video. Breakfast: 10:52 AM. Lunch: 12:05 PM. Food unloaded from jeep. Tomatoes. Raining. Kitchen closet clean, sweep, mop scrub clean floor there, by counter, also oven stove door and sides, thirty minutes or less, done at 02:44 PM. Dishes. Usual chores. RV videos. Dinner: 06:20 PM. Dishes. TikTok videos singing don't join my Discord Server. Shower. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, 10:52 AM. Lunch: 4 boiled eggs, 12:05 PM. Fruit thing in a container, 12:35 PM. Dinner: soup with tomatoes, beans, potatoes, a bit of food from 2 cans, a few things, some spicy pepper jam stuff, 06:20 PM. Tea. Granola cereal with milk and sugar, 08:55 PM. Tea. ChinhPham0398: Son Class 0224: 2024-11-16 - Saturday - 09:26 PM. 1. Pages 50-51: Pioneer Pilot. Blue English Book, pages 26-27: Steve wasn't going to die in bed. Century. Bon jour is French for hello or good day. Destination. In all or total. I happened. Supposed, should. Save up. I find him to be or see him to be great. Crickey, oh my God. Plume of blood. Wimpy Kid, book 3, pages 0-39. Brownies. Chore.