Thank You For Helping Me Reach 70 Rep! // 20 SBD Giveaway – Building Community

in #milestone6 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends,

I am feeling so many emotions right now! ahhh!

I am just creeping up on my 1 year mark on the platform and can hardly believe all the ways my life has changed in this last year. Hitting 70 rep feels like more than just a milestone number, but more of an emotional sense of arriving. I feel humbled, grateful, excited, and hopeful for everything that is still to come.

This Last Year Has Been Life Changing

I can honestly say that being here on Steemit this last year has changed my life. It has shifted my entire perspective for what is possible in terms of living the kind of life I truly desire. It has also helped me uncover a passion that I had no idea I had – making content. When I first joined the platform, I just kind of stumbled around trying different things, and have just continued to grow and evolve as time passed. Now, making video content is my favorite part in the day. I honestly have so much fun filming, editing, coming up with video ideas and then getting to put it all together into a piece of content that I can be proud of.

Steemit has opened so many doors of connection for me as well. I have made so many incredible friends, some of which I have even met in person! I loved getting to connect more deeply with everyone at the Steem Creators Conference in Vegas – and I even just had @daveonarrival drive up to Bellingham to visit me and my sister @maryjaney!

More than just the friendships alone, I find that being surrounded by so many intelligent, free thinking, creative souls is really inspiring to my own journey and creativity. The collective energy of this many great people coming together makes me so excited to log in everyday and hang out.

Thank You

I know I usually end my videos saying “love you guys!”, but I really want you to know how grateful I am for each person who decides to leave a comment, follow my channel or honor me with their vote. I feel so optimistic for the future of this platform and know that we will just continue to explode with opportunities.

I don’t know if it’s cheesy to do a shout-out list…but I want to make sure I say a special thank you to all of the people who have positively impacted my time on the platform. I also really hope I don’t miss anyone!

I hope each of you on this list (and anyone even reading this post) feels like they are getting a virtual hug from me. Maybe one day I’ll be able to give you a real one! (Steem Creators Toronto…. Steemfest?)

@raised2b, @maryjaney, @littlescribe, @crowbarmama, @steemmatt, @goldmatters, @karensuestudios, @larrymorrison, @steemcafe, @ogc, @scottshotts, @surfermarly, @daveonarrival, @bonniepiese, @paolajane, @spenceryan, @alphasteem, @bethwheatcraft, @jimmylin, @aggroed, @brian.rrr, @nanzo-scoop, @kpine, @thejohalfiles, @dnews, @curie, @zainenn, @mainos12345, @reseller, @waybeyondpadthai, @michelmake, @felix.herrmann, @thehoneys, @denmarkguy, @rodneysreviews, @ianperic, @drewley, @happymoneyman, @kenmelendez, @soykatonline, @pennsif, @darrenclaxton, @hedge-x, @ajvest, @tfeldman, @karenmckersie, @ralk98, @aussieninja, @luzcypher, @soundlegion, @meno, @nonameslefttouse, @canadian-coconut, @riverhead, @everlove, @saramiller, @quinneaker, @nomadicsoul, @anomadsoul, @skyleap

Wow, I could seriously keep going! How are there so many awesome people all in one spot online?? Virtual hugs to you all. <3

20 SBD Giveaway – Contest Rules

From the very beginning, I decided that anytime I did some kind of “milestone moment” post – I was going to make it a giveaway. The only reason I have any kind of milestone to announce is because of all of your love and support anyway, so it just feels right to give back.

Anyone who has participated in one of my giveaways before, knows that I like to keep them super simple – and do something that is somehow community building in nature. So far, I have done a different topic every time – but today I’m bringing back my favorite contest I have ever run! I ran this contest a few months ago and it is honestly my favorite post I have done in my entire year on the platform.

The point of this contest is to help us get to know each other better and hopefully find common connections with fellow steemians!

Here are the rules to be entered:

  • Leave a comment telling us something about yourself. It could be a fun fact, a hobby or passion, how many siblings you have, your first job… doesn’t matter! Get creative and share something that helps us get to know you better.
  • Reply to at least one other comment on this post. I don’t want people to just “post and run”. The whole idea is to build a space for connection – so make sure you engage with at least one other person!

That’s it! Simple right?

The Prize Pool Breakdown

I usually give away 10 SBD in my giveways – but I decided to double it this time! Instead of one person getting 10 – I’m going to break it up and have 4 people win 5 SBD.

  • 5 SBD – Random draw from eligible entries.

  • 5 SBD – Random draw from eligible entries.

  • 5 SBD – Random draw from eligible entries.

  • 5 SBD – MVP Award

The first three winners will just be randomly drawn – but I will be hand picking the fourth one. I will be choosing an MVP (most valuable player) from the commenters or someone who I thought did a really great job connecting with a lot of different Steemians on the post. It won’t be an exact science of who left the most or the longest comments – but just someone that I really felt put an honest effort to connect.

Big Love To You All

I just want to say one last huge thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey with me. Joining Steemit is one of the best decisions I have ever made and I am so grateful for each of you.

If you have any questions about the contest – please let me know. Otherwise, I can’t wait to read all of your comments and get to know you guys even better!

XO, Lea



First off let me say congrats. 70 is a big deal. Not as big as 71 but you deffinatly got one up on 69. I was sitting here reading posts to my super pup rosco (he is the dog in the pic , though he is sometimes confused with the pillow) anyways i was trying to teach him english because he only speaks spanish but when i let him know he had a virtual hug inbound he let out a very loud bark/ yelp and fainted. I wish i could tell you what he said before fainting but I don't speak Spanish. 20180714_013625.jpg

Nice cat

It's a new breed. Texas long ear.

Interesting reptile. Is it a man or a woman

It actually self-identifies as an attack helicopter.

Oh, so it's a cow that's nice

Pepe approves this doggo

Sweet dreams ^^

I like that he doesn't back down because people say he should. Trump is confident in who he is.

I'm a deplorable here. Live in a blue state that we turned red in 2016.. and PROUD of it

I knew I liked you for some reason but i could not put my finger on it untill now @goldendawne. Also my other peeps all in one spot. Mister @trumpman and my write in witness @valorforfreedom.

We gonna put this comment at the top.

Lol, thanks 😂😂

Thanks DDC!

congrats! Been seeing you on the trending page. Should have invested more time in Dtube! CONGRATS! I started over a year ago and still try to find my niche! I love chocolate as well ;)

DTube is doing great things for a lot of people! I love seeing success through Steem :)

DTube seems to have its issues, but seems that people are building followings without needing the polish of more mainstream content producers... seeing the success like our friend @coruscate is actually becoming a bit of a motivator to actually sack up and start posting clips...

Always grind it out! Everyday dtube gets better and better, Stack away!

If that is your goal, I wish you the best of luck in achieving it!

It is a "goal" in the sense that the goal is to reach and start the discussions with as many people with open minds that will hear.

It is not a goal to gain any level of "fame" or "infamy", just that, I know that it is easier to get people to engage in a few minutes clip than it is to capture an audience in text.

The hold back is more that it is also easier to scrutinize my mug, my accent, and each "um", "err", a near cuss word. Where in text, as long as it's generally written to be understandable, I am satisfied.

If that is your goal,
I wish you the best of luck
In achieving it!

                 - kendama-odyssey

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Yeah me too. Although......... I would like to say that I kind of missed the DTube train but frankly I am not much of vlogger.

After seeing @coruscate and some others on Dtube its a bit daunting to try to make video of similar calibre.

You niche is your life if you do a vlog. No one else has your life.

Yeah cool, this is what i'm looking for on Steemit. A few months ago my friend introduced me on the steem community, telling me that i could get reward for posting pictures and video. I opened an account and i've got started. In the begin i was just having fun and i was trying to see if my content were appreciated from the community. Then something happened. I'm a person that observe a lot, it just comes naturally and it happens even if i don't want to, and i observe what's happening within myself but also around me. I guess this is caused from my high sensitive personality, anyhow, one day while i was creating a content i've noticed, or maybe i should say i felt, that my connection with the platform was giving me something more than just a reward. Long story short, otherwise i talk to much, through steemit i realised that photography and blogs are not just something i like to do but they are a passion for me, which goes along with another passion i always had, traveling. End of the story, i'm using steemit to learn how to get better in photography and, to speak and write English more fluent, because it's my second language. All those events brought me to a conclusion, actually they brought me to make a plan. Next year, i want to go on a journey around the world, and i want to document it through vlog, photos and blogs. I love to meet people and i love to document what's happens around the world and, i especially love to share what i learn from those esperiences because in the past, by doing that, i was inspiring people and that makes me happy and grateful. Happiness is on top of the list for me and i want to bring light in other people's life. Not everyone get the chance to leave the comfort zone and understand the benefit you can get from it. Traveling teach you a lot about life and since a left Italy and i start a new life in Australia, my mind awakened and brought me to find a bettet version of myself and i want to just help others find their best version. This is pretty much it, i reckon :) Sorry if i talk to much but after reading your post @coruscate, i've got inspired and i had to write my thought. I hope you folks can understand my English, i've done my best. I really appreciate what you are doing Lea, because Steemit need more content like this one, where people can connect with each other and there is less fakeness in the comment. There are already enough masks in the real life, we don't need more. I wish you all a beautiful journey in the platform, ciao ciao

That is something that I love about steemit too. People come here expecting to earn money but tend to stay here for more than that. I really appreciate the way Steemit provides a positive outlet for our creative energies but what I appreciate even more is the fact that sometimes we find our creativity here.

I always had a knack for writing rhymes. I would write them on random pieces of paper and leave them be or burn them. I just did not like sharing them with others. Here on steemit, when the pressure of writing posts built up, I started posting my rhymes here and thus eventually shared a few of them with this world.

😂😂 That is exactly how my steemit journey started. Trippy! And since then I've also been experimenting with some ideas, guess it just shows how real and relatable people can be on steemit.

That too...............found so many people that I am able to connect with. It makes me wonder if I'll meet some of them in real life. Its not an impossibility and probably much easier to happen than we might think :-)

Same here and who knows, I've been seeing lots posts about steemian meet ups lately so I'm sure a bunch of us are bound to meet. What's for certain is that I'm here for it.

I forgot to say something, congratulations @coruscate for your achievement, i'm not surprised you already reach 70 rep, you have talent and your contents are the proof, good on ya

I loved what you wrote, as I wrote in my commentary for this contest, I am a very sensitive person who loves life, very positive, and I find all this in your lines. You have great energy, which is the kind of vibe I like to get along with. What a good idea for the friend @coruscate to seek a better relationship between her followers.
I wish you every success in whatever you set out to do and I will keep an eye on your publications, I hope you will be the first person I keep in touch with over time thanks to a contest ; )

Couldn't agree more! There is so much fakeness in the comments. But through this kind of idea conducted by @coruscate we have more chance to know each other. Saying hi and be ourselves.

hi im doghouse and i was disappointed by the Godfather part 2

That's really wonderful to hear about your experience on steemit @coruscate ! I only just started this month and am feeling rather disheartened by the lack of exposure from my posts and felt that it was very much a boysclub or for tech ppl. So to see a young woman reach 70 is pretty inspirational! And I like how it's at random (for 3 of them) and not just whales upvoting whales.

As for me, I'm a mama of two, an educator and am a lover of all things creative. Be it theatre, film, music, scrapbooking, photography - you name it, I love it! I also love travelling, can't wait to visit your part of the world soon - I did once apply for a job there :)

Patience, little by little you will be able to advance more in Steemit, luck!


Oh don't get discouraged! Stick with it!
I'd love to see some of your scrapbooking (maybe make a few posts) there is a huge community for crafts, DIYers and How-to tags on steemit.

Oh great idea! will do @goldendawne

Hi there! Welcome to Steem! I have been on here everyday for a year now, lol! It is truly a place filled with opportunity! I am sending you a free pack of Steem Monster cards,it's a new game on the Steem Blockchain, very fun and real crypto! There are lots of women who are into Steem Monsters! I just sent you a free pack of Steem Monster booster cards, they are fun to open! Go to to view them. :-)

Love meeting creatives. Nothing good comes easy... Keep on grinding. Feels that way for like 99% of people on steemit, so you aren't aloneLove meeting creatives. Nothing good comes easy... Keep on grinding. Feels that way for like 99% of people on steemit, so you aren't alone

Thanks @solcross ! appreciate the encouragement !

4D96800A-3105-4CD2-A2CB-7E36419EBE4E.jpeg I’m trying to do for you what you did for me by leaving that beautiful tribute comment on my similar post ^ ...... @coruscate you freaking rock and I couldn’t be more pleased to have someone with my in this Jobby that is such and awesome coworker (haha) and friend. Congratulations a million times over. This will probably be the last time we have the same rep as you now will catapult far beyond me in that category and im thrilled to see it :) for the contest: one thing about me people should know is I am #steemibestiesforlife with @coruscate!

wow!!! i find it inspiring that you two are steemibestiesforlife with @coruscate! i love your friendship! you both rocks!

Thank you! I can already tell that you also rock :)

naaaaaahhhh.. not as good as you!

@coruscate, can’t you do this weekly? It’s so much fun! I need to go to bed, but this is too exciting :p

totally agree mate, i like this interaction with the community. I had a laugh when i saw your comment, you sounds like me, i try every night to go to bed earlier because i have to wake up at 5, but guess what? i get always excited and i go to to bed late :)

Congratulations @goldmatters, so happy for you too. You guys are truly amazing! How did you do it? Wishing you greater times ahead.

Thank you so much, I had a lot awesome support along the way, but coruscate kicks my butt as a content creator !

you can call me your girlfriend @endless.drugs because i find her cute too!

Ohhhh is so cute... sometimes cooking together is a disaster but is a funny time

I liked your story!

What an emotional note of thanks and congratulations at the same time. This makes me see that there is good human material around here, and achieving a reputation of 70 carries with it a lot of work and qualities needed to get there.

This is what I learned from you after watching the full 08:30 minutes.

-Positivity makes you likable
-Gratefulness shows an appreciation for gifts & life

I have also found a couple of very ambitious people here on Steem for example @humanearl, @bethwheatcraft, @kawaiicrush, @reseller, @teutonium, @Zakludick, @Dnews and @toddjsmith1979.

Writing a comment about me, so here you go: I deal with social anxiety since I have grown up with people laughing about me for my shaking hands which made me avoid people for a long time. I have just started to face situations where my hands are in the focus and tell people honestly why that is. This is not easy for me but I am tired of hiding this aspect of me.

This is my favorite quote: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” —Emerson.

Congratulations to reputation 70 and thank you for sharing what you have learned :)

If you want to work together in the future in the form of an interview on a livestream then just contact me, I would love to get to know you better.

Best Regards,

-Positivity makes you likable
-Gratefulness shows an appreciation for gifts & life

I completely agree with you. If we were grateful for all the blessings we enjoy, we would not have time to complain.
You are a very brave person to assume your fears and learn to deal with them, this helps you mature and face life better.
Everyone has their fears, so you're no different than anyone else.

You are a very brave person to assume your fears and learn to deal with them, this helps you mature and face life better.

Thank you Syllem, I appreciate those words.

I am still battling with social anxiety but funny thing is i feel powerful behind a phone or laptop. I can connect, make deals and make friends but from phone calls to physical meetings, i start getting goosebumps. I hope i outgrow it.

keep steeming,

Same here, we have to embrace the fear and see it as an opportunity to grow and train courage.

Word up for the ambitious!

Cogratulations @coruscate on the rep 70!

One of my long term goals!

Sup Phil! :D

Hey Valor! Fancy seeing you here! @valorforfreedom =D

Sup Stephany :D

Congratulation on 70! Jobby, I like it, I agree. Lol my phone talks back to me all the time!

Contest Entry - I joined steemit at rock bottom and STEEM has turned me around. Something you all may not know is I ride a motorcycle, unfortunately until recently I had not been able to get a new battery for it. Motorcycle ride videos in the future! Don't worry, I wont use a selfie stick while riding.

The whole "Jobby" thing just makes me want to start scatting bebop jazz style whenever I say it in my head. . .

Haha! Yeah, don't use the selfie stick on the bike, that could end bad. I miss my motorcycle... Looking forward to seeing some of your riding vids. Glad STEEM has helped turn your life around. I've been enjoying your videos when I have time to kick back and enjoy @dtube. Keep up the great work @zainenn!

Hey man, thanks for the reply! Up until know I have kept my academical inclinations separate from steemit and I don't know why. But I will make more of an effort to showcase some of my work at the university here on Steemit :-)

Rock bottom you say - Its weird how life can bring a bunch of different experiences to our tables. I actually joined Steemit in January, after riding out the December crypto high. It's been a bit of downhill journey for my portfolio but I have loved being on steemit ever since :-)

Personally I'm not a motorcycle lover, but I can´t say that I wouldn't love to ride one at full speed... the adrenaline must be amazing.

Good to know, safety first!

I see a goPro helmet cam in your future.... 😉

hii @coruscate I am new at steemit . I am read your blog that was quite interesting. You make a great friend on steemit. I hope so helps other to grow on steemit and you also help some people that they really want to grow on steemit. And most important big love to you dear

The rules say I need to reply to another user to be eligible for the prize, so here I am, replying to another comment!

this is how we make friends lol

Haha..same here...I am too following this rule...

Wow you are new to steemit for only a Month and you are doing SO WELL congrats!!
btw what is your tag mgsc? I am curious because you tag that one all the time.
thanks! :)