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RE: Like milk, but different

in #milkandtaters5 years ago

I agree @azircon, it seems some simply don't have the capacity for reason, and will dig their heels in no matter what; Even to the detriment of themselves. It defies logic really.

I don't agree with the there is no such thing as bad publicity statement, it's just something media and marketers make up to further their own needs. It is quite clear that bad publicity sticks like shit to a blanket here on steem, and smells just as bad for those engaging in it. And so it should.

I saw many attempts to turn that poor behaviour around, and the imploring nature of those attempts also, and yet...Nope, they're not going to play ball.

I used to get picked on (racially vilified) as a young kid a lot and it taught me many things...Not least of which was that bullies are unreasonable and quite often feel a lack of self-esteem and self-worth. I think that is the case here and why the retaliatory DV's spilled over to those who probably didn't deserve them...It was a bid for relevance...That was never going to come.

...Still, there is no action without reaction and in life we, as human beings, reap the harvest of that which we sow.


Also; all this is good, but people must earn their lunch in steem :)

So please all the good ladies and gentlemen here please get to work with your mouse on this post:

Because we have to heal some comments, and my fingers are tired and I am going to get a bourbon!

Below are @dobartim's latest downvotes on all comments, I didn't catch them all