Our Life Energy

in #mindfullife4 years ago

When we talk to a person, automatically we can come to an understanding, what would be the life energy of that person. Normally a person whose life energy is smooth we always find the person happy go lucky, peaceful, calm, nurturing for self and others. Whereas it is the opposite for people whose life energy is draining. I always find these people low on physical energy, finding excuses and reasons to be unhappy, chaotic, finding problems in every area of life, always being in victim mode.

I personally believe that Happiness is one factor from which you can make out a person's life energy. When we are in happy state of mind, joyful all our Chakras are in perfect harmony and balance. Everything is so interconnected. If our root chakra is blocked we feel discontentment in life, grounding is imbalanced, we struggle with our basic survival needs, which in turn starts impacting our Sacral chakra which is all about creativity, emotions, feelings, financial stability, and with that the Solar plexus chakra gets impacted which is all about our personal power, and then the heart and throat and like wise bringing our full life energy to low levels.


When we are genuinely in a happy state of mind all our Chakras are in perfect harmony and we feel balanced. If momentarily we can bring that state for us then why not we strive to be in that forever. Take everything that comes to us pleasant / unpleasant as an experience and move forward.
Yes I do agree that it would be too much of a wishful thinking to be in that state all the time, but if we can mindfully be in that state and genuinely then imagine what magic will happen for us.

These days majority of the time we speak about problems, we try to identify them all the time with something or the other even if it does not mean for us, but we do not realize that just those thoughts also can drain us out. I am not saying we become ignorant towards it and live life selfishly but my only saying is that try to find solutions rather then just talking and talking about it and not going anywhere. If we cannot do anything about it let it pass. Every problem in the world is not meant to be dealt by every single person. Everyone is living their own karma also.

I am specifically saying this because lot of people tell me that is it not wrong that we turn a blind eye to other people's problem and move in our own happy ways. My only say to them is if you are not going to do anything about it then just listening to it once and empathizing is good, but why stay in it with that. Worry for self and worry for others is something baseless, just by worrying nothing changes. I rather prefer to move on. If someone thinks I am selfish it is fine, it is their way of looking at it.

For me being Happy in all situation is the key to a fuller life. I do not want to drain my life energy just by worrying and then getting into those negative energetic patterns. Where I can make a difference I will work else I will let it pass.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"


Me I'm near the people whos very negative in life....

"I personally believe that Happiness is one factor from which you can make out a person's life energy."

You are absolutely right. Truth is, happiness cannot be bought, but can be created.

I find talking, or listening to someone who is negative drains my energy. I will try to change the subject and talk about happy things.