(IJCH) Something To Ponder - Your Time is "Now"

in #mindfulness6 years ago (edited)


IJCH - Inside JaiChai's Head (Meaning: My Warped, Personal Opinions and Musings)


From the Author:


I am JaiChai.

And if I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you before, I'm delighted to make your acquaintance now.


I invite you to interact with everyone, learn, and have as much fun as possible!

For my returning online friends, "It's always great to see you again!"


Something To Ponder - Your Time is "Now"


The ability to think about the past, present, and future is a marvelous capability of the human mind.

But it is largely ignored by the majority of the world's population.


Because they would rather acquiesce to the surrounding group mindset than to "think about their thinking".

I don't blame them.

Thinking about your own thoughts is not easy and takes quite a bit of introspection. Besides, staring at your reflection in the inner mirror of the mind can be scary.

And I'm pretty sure that most will avoid the task because they fear what they may or may not discover about themselves.

But it's my sincere hope that you fully utilize this profoundly powerful capability of your mind.

It's a wonderful gift from the universe and shouldn't be squandered.

Just like muscles, if you don't exercise this ability, it atrophies and dies.

Then you are doomed to "thought by default" and consequently find yourself falling in line with the rest of the "sheeple" - almost a zombie-like existence.

Be mindful.

Take a little time to think about your thinking. Examine how your thoughts serve (or enslave) you. If they don't serve you, then simply replace them with better thoughts.

At first it won't be easy.

Self-torturing thoughts stubbornly resurface throughout our lives.


Because "familiar misery" is a seductive haven for more people than "the frightful unknown".

Try it out. Be brave enough to change, to think differently, to think better.

What have you got to lose except for those gnawing thoughts from your periphery?

When practiced for as little as 3-5 minutes daily, consciously checking the quality of your thinking; that is, thinking positive, constructive thoughts, works wonders on your psyche and slowly becomes a habit.

Again, I urge you to invest some time everyday in some form of mindfulness.

I suspect that you will be pleasantly surprised...

Namaste (I recognize the divine in you, my friend).

By JaiChai

Really Appreciate You Stopping By.

Truly hope to see you again!

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(This post was inspired by: https://steemit.com/philosophy/@jaichai/ijch-who-controls-your-personal-hadamard-gate-an-easy-to-understand-discussion-about-quantum-physics-philosophy-and-human and https://steemit.com/quoteoftheday/@sandstorm/quote-of-the-day-119-the-time-is-always-now and https://steemit.com/qurator/@jaichai/ijch-something-to-ponder-your-time-is-now)

About the Author


Believing that school was too boring, he dropped out of High School early; only to earn an AA, BS and MBA in less than 4 years much later in life – while working full-time as a Navy/Marine Corps Medic.

In spite of a fear of heights and deep water, he performed high altitude, free-fall parachute jumps and hazardous diving ops in deep, open ocean water.


After 24 years of active duty, he retired in Asia.

Since then, he's been a full-time, single papa and actively pursuing his varied passions (Writing, Disruptive Technology, Computer Science and Cryptocurrency - plus more hobbies too boring or bizarre for most folk).

He lives on an island paradise with his teenage daughter, longtime girlfriend and three dogs.


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(More articles by JaiChai can be found on the Busy.org website. Use this link to visit Busy.org. Better yet, come join the Busy.org community!)


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"My mind was a terrible thing to waste..." - JaiChai


I get lost in thought so much it bugs me sometimes. I can spend a night not sleeping and instead going over and over my past or thinking about future.

If you cannot act on your concerns at the time, it's best to write it down and stick it onto a little "To Do/Worry Tree" until the morning. That way, the worry tree has temporary custody of your worries for the night.

Namaste, JaiChai

Buen articulo Jai, somos humanos, no maquinas, mas alla que quiera el PODER mundial esclavizarnos, LIBERTAD A LOS SERES HUMANOS!!!!!

I'm going to do that right now. It's the simplest thing. Turn off the news, walk away from the computer, put down the iPad. Just go ins the other room and focus on wonderful things. Let you know if it works. Certainly can't hurt:)
Always can come by your blog for a dose of the positive.

Most of us tend to believe that is hard to change the mindset, to adopt happier, positive thoughts. When done regularly, like a daly exercise it does wonders, just like you mentioned above.

When I visit your blog, I've found myself trying to get impatiently to where your text is hiding. There are so many pictures above and below that it gets lost. As a dedicated reader, I am of course ready to go on a search. But maybe not everyone is so determined and you simply have to reckon with the laziness of others. Then again you could say: then they have no real interest in the content. Now one could further say: my subjective perception is not meaningful at all and others love it. Then I don't want to have said anything. ;-)

At the same time, I have followed your message and observed which voices are moving in me, which want to express this or that. The instance that then decides to reveal my thoughts is the one I listen to. I'm wrong about it time and time again and sometimes not.

Hehe, yes, looking introspectively can be very frightening. There is the barking growling dog, the drama queen, the sad duckling, the arrogant jerk and all the other horrible grimaces that are at odds with the loving, friendly and considerate proportions that always have a benevolent intention. The inner stage is like the outer one: The forces argue and sometimes one wins, sometimes the other.

And yet another excellent comment!

Thanks a lot.

RE: Your Comment

I try to feed the inner White Wolf instead of the Dark Wolf...

Namaste, JaiChai

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