in #mindpowersupernatural4 years ago (edited)

Today i am gonna talk about what is this mind. This is because some people think that mind and brain are no different from one another. Some think that it is an organ or a gland present in our head known as pituitary gland while some think that is the soul which is known as mind in the scientific language.

But what is it? What are its functions? Is it just a gland made of flesh and blood or something else which is so strong and so powerful but yet not visible to the naked eyes.
We in this platform are gonna talk about everything which is not visible but yet present and can be felt. But today we start with knowing our mind and how it is different from our brain.
We must have studied in our schools that brain is the most powerful organ in our body.

And obviously it is!!afterall it controls everything going in the system.any harm to brain causes harm to the body. But is there anything that controls your brain??
Like if if you hold your breath for 10 seconds (or trying doing so :)) scientifically we explain this procedure by saying that brain controlled the air being sucked by the lungs by giving order to the tissues of the lungs and so so!!:) But the question here arises that who gave the order or who wanted to stop the breath?? I know you all will answer that we ordered!! And you are right!! Congratulations! (Ill talk about this also in my other blogs but not right now). But where does very thought of holding your breath the brain or in mind?(oh it rhymed;)).
Mind is like a speaker or a dictator which never stops thinking and creating random thoughts,except while we are sleeping (when it goes in a unconscious state) or medically unconscious. Every thought that we create is created by the mind and then according to the needs passed to the brain as an order.
A powerful mind creates lesser thought compared to a weak mind and thats why powerful minds are stable than weak ones. And yes absolutely its very much possible that a weak ming can be converted to an extremely powerful one.(with practice obviously :)).
On the other hand Brain is the receiver of the thought/order generated by the mind.Like i said before that mind is the speaker, in a similar manner our brain is the visualizer. Any thought which is in words is created by the mind and the brain try to convert it into images.
For example if you wanna go swimming with your friends,what is the first thing you saw when you read the word swimming. If i am not wrong you saw a pool or whichever water body you go to swim into.
So in short our brain works under our mind or should i say that it is enslaved to our mind. A person with highly stabled and controlled mind have a highly organized brain and vice-versa.
There are a lot this mind can do. You can actually control everything inside you as well as everything going around you. You just need to know how to access the keys to these locks. There are people who we call pschyci or clairvoyants or people with far sightedness or healer or mentalists. These people have unlocked a specific region in our mind with years of practice. It depends how patients and determined you are in the path of changing yorself and having a better life.
I can talk and share everything with you which i know/ experienced/ have seen with my eyes but ain't possible right now. Ill tell you all about how to control your mind,how to access the locked parts and real life incidents and people i have practicing mind controlling and the miracle thereby,,,but till then goodbye friends.


Very helpful content. Thank u keep posting