If You Had a Chance to Send Yourself a Message...Working our Mindset...

in #mindset6 years ago

Hi Steemians!

This post may seem a bit out of the ordinary for me, but I decided to try something new for a change, a mental experiment for all of us.

I usually talk on my blog about setting goals that we want to achieve, and of course this is important, but with that in mind, let's do something a little different but that aims to work every day a little more our Mindset.

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If there were suddenly something that would allow you to send a message back to a younger version of yourself, what would you like to do with it? Think hard about it before you answer.

The reason why I think this issue is important is because in my journey I discovered that people are divided into two groups, those who do not change anything and accept the lessons that life has provided, and who would give themselves all the advantages of winning.

I'm not saying that one is better than the other, not exactly, but the mental experiment allows us to actually find some truths about ourselves.

As I would like this post to be interactive, I would like people to leave in the comments what they would do with this hypothetical machine and let others reverse the more creative responses.

I personally am somewhere in between, there are many things I would like to know when I was younger, but I also do not regret any of my decisions, even those that cost me a lot because I am who I am today because of these choices.

Food for thought, as they say!




@chbartist! we have to generate new idea with positive mindset network. Keep going bro. Your article removes all depression from me.

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you friend!

Dear @chbartist sir!
I would like to say to our younger version"Believe in your ability, there is victory ahead of fear"

Great! Don't forget upvote each others!

Well, the message I would give to my younger self would be a list of the bad decisions he will make so that he never does, and I am sure that with that he would be accomplishing many important things, he would also force me to study cryptocurrencies from now on. procure my economic independence at a younger age. The most important thing I think, is to get up before the falls, and learn from all the experiences, good or bad, because in real life there is no such thing as erasing or editing what I did in the past.

Great words! Don't forget upvote each others!

Super interesting. I sometimes think about going way back in time with all the knowledge I have now. It would be pretty interesting:). I am not one to regret anything because I understand that past experiences were lessons, and a small part of me sometimes thinks that everything happens for a reason. But, there's one thing I wish I'd done earlier, which is that I should have invested in crypto sooner;). I think about this because I've always known what bitcoin was, but I never bothered to learn more about it, and this makes me wonder about all the other opportunities I missed or will miss simply because I don't have the time or interest in learning about it lol.

We have others opportunities. Believe me! Don't forget upvote each others!

I would go with more confidence and patience i have today. Wish I could have it a long back but i gained all going through many situations of life. Don't regret for this but wish could have it before then things would have been in much better position.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great! Move on...Don't forget upvote each others!

If you are born poor it is right, but if you died poor then it is worst. We should not accept what life throw on us, rather we can change things with our mindset.
Thank you @chbartist for this piece

Posted using Partiko Android

What you easily earn be satisfied with that, you are not satisfied what you earn easily, want to be rich anyway, it does not matter whether it is wrong or right.

Good @rafique1953 Don't forget upvote each others!

I would say to my younger self.. listen the opinions of everyone but do what you think is the best for you,and work hard to achieve your dream Goal!

Nice thought of giving a message to our younger selves in past. but I think if we would know how to do everything and whats perfect always, then the suspense and the fun of life will evaporate.
Keep flourishing.