7 benefits of all the small things in life.

in #mindset5 years ago


Originally published on Nathawatbrothers.net

Life is a series of small moments. You agree with this, right? And these small moments (Happy, sad or neutral {the space between Happiness and sadness-moments most of us never observed}), are together a result of Grand or Big Life.
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We would like to share a quote that tells, “Life is tough, my darling, but so are you” by Stephanie Bennett Henry. Do you agree with this quote?
If you’re, then your thinking is in a negative trajectory. You see or expect your life to be at a different place from the present time. Also, you find yourself tough and rigid. You see yourself as a person who is facing hurdles, potholes or barriers every day. And therefore, this quote is not teaching you what you need to learn.
Here we are not trying to object your perception, rather; we are trying to widen it. The quote must say life is tough, but it’s not. Life is neither tough nor easy. Life is just life; filled with emotions, memories and learnings. Our thoughts and way of looking around make complication in our life.
We mostly do things to get ourselves out of the current circumstance, rather; to go towards something wonderful. And this way of working creates more problems in life.
However, if we work with a mindset to reach somewhere by accepting our present situation would bring more joy to our life. And how we could say this? Because we have experienced it and for you to believe, we have an example.
A perfect example would be a child. We don’t know what’s your age is but in life we all have our time with kids, whether they’re ours or someone else’s. Children are most of the time happy-some exceptions are there- and if you see some kids playing, notice something, that, they’re happy with less, and we’re unhappy with more. We came to realise this thing when we saw our niece playing with slippers, wooden boxes and water bottles.
We realised that day that, she is happy with things of less importance (in general nothing in this world is of less importance). On the other hand, we are with a graduate degree, smartphones, laptop, computer, car and bank account are unhappy because, for us, those things were just objects. But for her, those were her happiness. Where the rules don’t apply, that the slippers are only to wear in the foot; wooden boxes to carry things, and water bottles to hold water.

And as she grows and seeing new things every day, her environment of happiness is changing. And because of that, we are understating the quote “Ignorance is bliss”. Which explains, that, the more we understand things, the more we disturb our satisfactory level- the threshold of our happiness and sadness.
The lifestyle of the monks is one of the best examples to understand this situation. They live in a much more challenging environment than us, and yet they seem happy with their lives.
Now with this, we are not saying that we should dream small or expect less. All we are trying to convey here is that that life is neither hard nor easy. Life is life unless we don’t expand our satisfactory level. The moment we make changes to our threshold of happiness and sadness, we start to face difficulties and complicated situations in our life.
If we don’t dream more or don’t raise our expectation, and get satisfied with what we’ve got, then our life would be simple. When we raise our hopes; we press the switch to start a process which put challenges (tough ones) in front of us, and we think life as harsh and complex, but it’s not. Life is life challenges are tough. Is it painful to breathe? No, then how could life is tough.
Believe it or not, in life, every stage is a part of the process, a process of growth and learning. As we mentioned earlier, that life is life challenges are tough, and on dealing with these hard challenges, we intentionally avoid small things; that has great importance in our life and its process.
Therefore, we will share some importance of the small tasks, that would help you tackle down your challenges and make progress in life.

01 of 07: Casts out our Laziness.

Okay, let us explain to you how a small task can help you become zealous. For example, last night, your family threw a house party, and you see the mess all around the place. Your mother, sister, father and your brother are just busy cleaning the mess, and you choose to hide in your room to play video games; the lazy you.
You’re holding back your incredible body to become better. And that’s the reason you’re lazy at most of the things. But when instead of hiding, you take part in those small things, which you find needless, would give your body momentum and it starts to act as it meant to.
Because the human body’s every part works all the time, even though when we were sleeping our heart, brain, lungs are doing their jobs. Or we can say everything inside our body is working, consciously or unconsciously.

Only for a few seconds or minimal time, some parts may take rest but never remain in still condition because if they do so, then we would never get up. We guess you probably know about this, and yet you choose to remain motionless.
When you skip or escape these situations, your brain is recording a pattern; a data which only find gaming, watching T.V. shows, and sleeping for over an extended time as your main task. And it would create resistance whenever you try to get used to with other things.
You’d find those task boring (most of the time), useless or you’re not the one for that particular task like you are not here to clean the house. Ask yourself right away, that what are you meant for then, is it T.V. or video games? Or something more meaningful.
When you play games or watch T.V. shows, did you ever listened to a voice? That asks you what are you doing. Most people hear it, and the reason behind that voice is this, that your body is telling you to move. We hear it many times, and we guess you would, too.
If you not, then you’re much lazy to listen. And of course, if you want to change yourself or your system, you can try doing those little things for a week. And when next time you’ll go to the sofa and start watching some videos, you’ll hear that voice.
Because you’ve given your body that momentum it wanted; now it can’t see you sitting all day long in front of T.V. wasting time.
To give your body charge and bring it to its routine, you can help your mother in the kitchen or the garden. Or you can either go to a grocery store. And we suggest when you go to a store, you should go on your legs, instead of any vehicle because it’s like work and workout both.
We want to suggest the super coder and swot to take part in these activities because it will develop a habit. That would help you catch the opportunity, rather; running from them.
Why did we say that because it was a problem of Nathawat Brothers’ younger ones’. In school, he never took part in small activities, so, he can focus on his studies, but in result, it had been started to create a fear of people in him until he didn’t read the book, “The Magic of Thinking Big”.
So, go on, and do something, and as Jamie Foxx Said, “Rest When You Die!” in movie Robin Hood, when Taron Egerton wanted to have rest.

02 of 07: More Productiveness.

Because you’ve brought into the realm of momentum, now it’s charged, and the reality of your mind has changed from lazy to active. You’ll able to work on more things. It will be hard for you to sit without doing something because your new self won’t let you. Your new identity is a person who likes to move his body and likes to work, rather; staring at the flat screen.
By working on small things, you have initiated the spark in your body. And therefore; now it wants more. Even though, if you sit quietly with nothing to do, your brain gives a message to your body to move. And you’ll feel like hearing a voice, telling you to get up.
This will make you uneasy, and you’d surely move things around. A more productive you.

03 of 07: Sets our habit.

By setting habit isn’t only the meaning, that we would develop a habit to do these small things or tasks with no resistance. Or we don’t get bored, but it more means to develop a new habit or adopt it. Like if you help your sister to ride the bike, here you’re developing a habit to help people. Now, this habit would grow more when you help your mother washing dishes, or helping your father in the garage. Now, how this habit would develop another one. Okay, let us give you an example of it.
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Like you’re in school, and one of your classmates wants your help in a particular subject in which you’re skilled. So because of your helping habit, you’d probably help her/him. And the result of your being helpful would make him/her your friend. With time more students would come to you for help, and because of your help, they would become your friend too. Your habit of helping people adopted a new habit, that is the habit of establishing networks. And because of your network habit, you’ll develop your communication habit, which is of great significance. It is a simple thing habit develops another habit.

04 of 07: Increment in Power of Patience.

It’s an easy saying in our country that great are the fruits of patience, or patience is bitter, but its fruits are sweet. There’s also another saying that the more we stay in a bad situation, the more strong we become. Here we want to change the bad into boring, and strong into mentally strong.
Those time are long gone when a person to sustain a good life had to be physically strong, the time of swords and shields. But in today’s time, only a person with a balanced mind can achieve his goals. Now, how a boring situation would help you to increase your patience level? It’s simple, for example, you’re in a grocery store, and at checkout, there’s a long queue. And you’re stuck in it, and there’s a person, who’s breaking the line and going forward. We know how it feels to be in a queue and watching other people going forward, who’s actually behind you. But by remaining in the queue and waiting for your turn, you will be doing three things.
As we discussed earlier Habit Creates Habit.

First, you’re increasing your level of patience. We don’t born with temper; we develop it as we grow, and it applies to patience. The more we come across a situation where our potential would get tested, it is a chance or exercise to increase our patience level.

You’re angry with the guy who is continuously breaking the line, and going forward but by not letting it out (your anger), you are creating another habit, to understand your anger. And it would grow the more you experience it.

By waiting for your turn, you are developing a habit. To follow the rules and care for others.

When we go to a grocery store or supermarket, (we guess the supermarket is much appropriate) people come from behind, and ask, that they are in a hurry, can they take our place? Without a second thought, we give them our place, and they keep asking other people and reach to the front, and goes from there.
And when we came out, and heads to home, we see those people stuck in traffic. And by the time we arrive, the traffic moves on. We can say we did right to remain at our position back in the supermarket because it’s hard to move slowly between hundreds of Honks.
“If you can’t wait here, then you have to wait somewhere there, otherwise; you cannot proceed.”

05 of 07: Habit to start and reach to the end.

When we work on a small task, we know that it would take a small-time, and we are capable of finishing it. We have completed the job in the present time by focusing the end. For example, when we water the flowers, we know that we will finish it. And most of the time we do, if an external circumstance doesn’t occur. So, we have developed a habit to complete a task by starting it and reaching its endpoint. When we work on more important things, our this habit-to start and reach to the end-would help us complete that task. So by getting used to with minor tasks, we’re building a possibility to finish our work on more significant and worthwhile goals.
Simply put, a habit to start and reach the end of everything. Whenever you will start something, you have finished it already in your mind.

06 of 07: More Focus.

What does a focused mind need? A lot of energy to keep up the work, productivity and a free environment in mind to work consistently. And by giving your time already to the small things you’ve gained a charged body.
Small things have helped you to achieve enough level of patience to create a space of calm in mind. Also, you’ve developed a couple of habits that are very effective and crucial to keep you focused.

07 of 07: Small things indeed bring more ideas into our mind.

In the past, if people wouldn’t have involved in such activities, then the world we see today could be different now. Getting ourselves involved in those activities bring ideas to our mind. Everything we see today is a result of those small things, which we ignore.
If a person would never involve himself in a checkout queue at the supermarket, then we would never have the opportunity to see the automated supermarkets. If someone never cleaned his or her house, then today we would be living on an island full of garbage. Or we would never have the privilege to use the vacuum cleaner.
The more we involve with those tasks, the more we find problems in them, and the curiosity to solve those problems bring ideas, and those ideas change the world, for better.
Our saying is that everything has their significance, and small things or tasks have much importance in your life, someone else’s, in this world, and the world we would see.

Give small things a 30-day trial, and you’ll notice a grand change in you. And one more thing, in life everything is significant nothing is unbiased or useless.

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Nathawat Brothers

Putting thoughts for everyone.

Cover image by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels.